AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 29 July 2011

The 'Ealing project' – latest update!

Well the bizarre machinations in Ealing proceed apace – and seemingly day by day! Could this long-running 'soap' displace the hacking scandal aux Murdochs from headlining every newspaper? Probably not - but then these have departed already from that position of prominence so fickle are the press in their inky devotions! It would seem (or so the rumours go) that the 'brawn' behind this little attempt at empire building has done a 'runner' - or 'gone to ground' - for not a sight or sound (some would say thankfully!) of the Happy One has been seen for some little while now. But this is very much Dennis' MO apparently when it comes to 'facing the music'...... Start something up but leave somebody else to carry the can as the ordure well and truly hits the fan! Still the 'brains' (by 'brains' we actually mean 'control freak') behind the outfit is still very much in charge of operations, orders being issued by the High Command on an almost daily basis as the plot (and accumulating debris) thickens. This particular ego maniac goes by the name of David C who though British by birth is currently resident in the US. For those of you who are not familiar with the fellow he made his début performance in the UK back in the mid 80s, his novitiate undertaken at that well-known venue “The Joys of Recovery”(or 'Ploys of Recovery' as we prefer to call it), Collingham Gardens, under the tutelage of David B (the founder of the Visions cult and the source of that well-known but largely meaningless epithet 'Misery is Optional' - an expression which has only a minimal connection with AA's spiritual principles and derives rather from the somewhat obsessive and SELF-promoting pretensions of its author). On the departure finally of the head honcho to that “Great Meeting in the Sky” (the air ringing behind him apparently with cries of “This is NOT AA! This is NOT AA!” a much favoured mantra of his, and oft repeated at local AA meetings where he would happily (and apparently at length) harangue the assembled brethren with his particular take on the subject (and with such fervour that the members, some almost overcome with his devotion, would invite him most heartily to leave!)), David “The Icon” C took up the “spiritual tool-kit” bequeathed to him by his mentor, and proceeded to carry the cult's particularly perverse message to us the 'unbelievers” in AA. He was however not alone in his quest to save us all from our foolhardiness and assembled a motley crew of devotees to assist him in his 'holy' but largely SELF-appointed mission. One of these is of course the aforementioned 'Happy Dennis', a fellow who can really only be described as a “sandwich short of a picnic”, “not the full shilling”, “driving on only three wheels”, “a banana short of a bunch” (and so on in this general theme) and who has been so far “rocketed into a fourth dimension” (and quite probably a fifth or even a sixth!) that he will probably never make it back to Earth in one piece!

And here is the latest list for the Ealing 'project'. It is rather difficult to determine exactly how many of these are actually functioning at the moment and indeed which ones still subscribe to the cult 'ethos' of “carrying the message “ through bullying and coercion... but nevertheless here we go:

Mon 07:30 West Ealing: Great Feeling in Ealing, 1 Bayham Road Junction with Bedford Road. (seems to have reverted to AA)

Mon 13:00 West Ealing: Community Centre, Green Man Lane.

Mon 18:00 West Ealing: A Vision For You, 1 Bayham Road Junction with Bedford Rd.

Tue 07:30 Ealing: Healthy Feeling in Ealing, 1 Bayham Road Junction with Bedford Rd. (seems to have reverted to AA)

Tue 09.45 West Ealing: Big Book Happy Focus, Community Centre, Green Man Lane. (reported closed down due to lack of support)

Wed 07:30 West Ealing: A.M Reflections, 1 Bayham Rd Junction with Bedford Rd

Wed 13:00 West Ealing: Community Centre, Green Man Lane.

Wed 18:00 West Ealing: Community Centre, Green Man Lane.

Wed 19:30 West Ealing: Big Book Focus, Community Centre, Green Man Lane,

Thurs 07:30 West Ealing: Radian Feeling, 1 Bayham Road Junction with Bedford Road.

Thurs 09.45 West Ealing: Big Book Joyous Focus, Community Centre, Green Man Lane.

Thurs 13:00 West Ealing: Green Man Big Book Discussion Community Centre, Green Man Lane.

Thurs 18:00 West Ealing: Happy, Joyous & Free, 1 Bayham Road Corner of Bedford Road.

Fri 07:30 West Ealing: 1 Bayham Rd Junction with Bedford Road.

Sat 09:00 West Ealing: Wonderful Feeling in Ealing, 1 Bayham Road Junction with Bedford Road. (definitely cult)

Sat 18:00 West Ealing: 1 Bayham Rd, Junction with Bedford Road.

Sun 08:45 West Ealing: Sponsored Walks, 1 Bayham Rd Junction with Bedford Road. (definitely cult)

Sun 13:30 West Ealing: 1 Bayham Rd Junction with Bedford Road.

Sun 19:00 West Ealing: Step & Tradition, 1 Bayham Rd, Junction with Bedford Road. (definitely cult)

(We will update this list accordingly as soon as we receive information).

It should be noted that even those meetings that have reverted to AA were set up whilst failing to consider their impact on already existing AA groups in the area and certainly without consulting them in accordance with Tradition 4. There is still unfinished business to be concluded here!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(our usual thanks to our reporters)

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