AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Monday 15 October 2012

Hemel Hempstead (Friday)

A recent email:


I am a member of AA from Hemel Hempstead. I was fascinated to stumble across this website as what you describe is exactly what has happened …..at the Quaker Meeting House in Hemel. Even before seeing this website, the group mentality of a faction which has gradually expanded and grown in this meeting has been one which I have been referring to as “a cult.” These people travel everywhere together in the same cars, two have just begun a relationship and moved in with one another, they all aggressively insist that they are “recovered alcoholics” and when questioned on this term become quite unpleasant and have begun rapidly taking on “sponsees” who at a rate of knots (sometimes just a few days even doing half the steps in a matter of hours) who they then send out to immediately take on their own sponsors after only several days of sobriety. It is madness and a recipe for disaster. The meeting no longer feels a safe place to share and unfortunately the secretary of the meeting is chief amongst these people himself only 6 months sober and took on the meeting at around 2 months. They have also brought in to the group undesirable people who I have never before seen at the meeting and are frankly scary- looking men who seem to say nothing but simply watch. It is menacing and unpleasant. …. I no longer have a desire to be at that meeting. I am fortunate enough to have a couple of other good meetings close by but even in those, there is an effort amongst these “cultheads” to spread their tentacles. Hopefully the good guys in AA will prevail! I am only 13 months sober myself and have been fortunate to have been befriended by oldtimers early on. However, it is heartbreaking to see such abuse of the AA message.



(our edits)

Our reply:

Thank you for your mail. Sadly your experiences are far from uncommon in some parts of AA. We're interested to note your use of the word "faction” because that precisely describes what is taking place in AA (both here and in the US). The term "recovered" although it appears in the Big Book is indeed flourished by some almost as a badge of superiority and with the so-called "recovered" individual browbeating those who don't quite measure up - hardly in accordance with the principles of AA so clearly outlined in the very text they claim to be so expert in! Chris Raymer is part of the Primary Purpose gang, yet another faction who claim some kind of superior method (see also "Joe and Charlie" in this connection). They are of a view that everyone should be hurried through the programme (regardless of their individual condition or ability) at top speed - the faster the better - and regardless of whether this works or not. Frequently we are contacted by newcomers who are quite bewildered. They say they've got up to Step 8 (or whatever) and then relapsed. They genuinely don't understand why this has happened. They thought they were doing what was suggested but in the mad dash failed to get a proper grasp of Step 1. Similarly the tactic of arriving mob handed at meetings is quite common. Some of these characters are indeed quite intimidating - they are in fact thugs - no more no less. We're happy to hear that you've managed to form contacts with established members of AA with a more traditional and compassionate approach.”


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS In connection with the Primary Purpose/Joe and Charlie gang we've received the following tip off recently:

Hey Fellas,
Anonymous tip from Dallas… The Mother Ship [ie. Primary Purpose group, Dallas] is loosing [sic] members fast … defection by many members taking place …. (even Myers defected) …. I won’t give any more details but allegedly there is an e-mail floating around among group members about some interesting details about why men shouldn’t sponsor women even if they did found the Group ….. ; ) …. Sorry, I don’t have it and won’t ask my source for it.

Good Luck


Mmmmm sounds familiar .. where have we heard all this before? Plymouth Road to Recovery was it? Dunno..... but it'll come back to us eventually.....