AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 4 June 2013

aacultwatch team go awol! Shock horror!

Yep! It's true! The team held a group conscience and by democratic vote decided (unanimously) to go off for a couple of days and ponder upon the mysteries of life. To this end we will be placing ourselves in deep seclusion within the confines of a monastery far removed from the fripperies and distractions of the internet (and all such questionable technology) where we shall endeavour to enter into a profound meditative state wherein all will be revealed......

.....or, failing that, we'll be off to Alton Towers followed by a 'spot' of paintballing! (Geddit! 'spot'! …...Oh never mind!) 

Back on Thursday!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous … and soon to be rocketed into a fourth dimension ….... one way or the other!!) 

PS No sponsors will be accompanying us! How will we manage? Easily …..