AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 15 May 2011


"Miracles for sale"--A Channel 4 documentary exposing the culture of scam preachers in Dallas,Texas, who give bonefide Christian churches a bad name. ---Fake miracles, fraudulent faith healing, dangerous advice given to stop taking medication, suicide, extortion of the vulnerable, while the "pastors" rake in thousands of dollars. One of our Christian fellas, (brother Ed) thought some church going AA members might be interested in viewing this documentary (just in case some of these scam preachers should be invited to travel across the Atlantic to unsuspecting church congregations in the UK)
The eye opening documentary "Miracles for sale" (screened Monday 25th April 9pm on Channel 4) can be viewed on Channel 4 OD until 24th May.

[Link no longer operative]

Of course nothing like this could ever possibly happen in AA --or could it? Fake AA preachers from Dallas,Texas? ---AA-Expect a miracle-AA--- Surely not. Advice given to stop taking medication? A miracle cure for all?---shooooweee, nope, cos we've got guardianship of our traditions to protect us, right.......haven't we?..... or have we?


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)