AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 19 July 2012

The plot thickens – update to the R2R (Plymouth cult group)/DAA connection

It seems that the Road to Recovery cult group has been even busier than we thought. Our latest information (and update to our previous entry) is, and we quote:

Hi Fellas,

I just read your article and you've got the cart before the horse. Way back ….. addicts were turning up at the Roads meeting. The sponsors that they got at the group passed this up the line, and the directive came back down to start an NA group along the lines of the Roads meeting. This caused massive problems within the local NA community as they were up to the tricks that they usually are, sharing in a shaming way, everyone else is doing it wrong, never had a bad day bla bla bla. …. Also taking over the PI committee etc. They also set up an NA meeting in the Dorset Area of Narcotics Anonymous, but there being a more established NA community they couldn't really pull their usual stunts. Matt the Message and Rik the Vet were prominent in this meeting.

Eventually they took the strong hint in Dorset and buggered off to CA, where they carried on with their usual …... making friends and influencing people; pissing everyone off! Meanwhile, back in Plymouth, as the NA community grew and became more established they weren't able to get away with their usual practices and eventually the NA meetings there became DAA meetings

That's a quick off the cuff précis. As I said they were Roads meetings from their very beginning when they were flying under the NA banner, indeed the NA meetings were started at the Roads sponsors' sponsors' direction!


(name omitted)


Hi again,

Indeed, my understanding is that DAA as a Fellowship was expressly started by the NA/Roads members


(name omitted)

Comment: So it would seem that the R2R gang have been most proactive as they busily extend their tentacles into both NA and CA. We were already aware that they had developed offshoots in both of these (as well as Al-Anon) and with exactly the same modus operandi (though not to the extent of actually fracturing these fellowships!) This particular parasite though seems to be quite indiscriminate, settling as it does on any victim that may present itself. But perhaps it's time they took the hint and stopped feeding off AA and kindly went forth and ….. well we'd hardly encourage them to multiply! Then they can play God to their hearts' content!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our usual thanks to our local correspondents