AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Now you see her .. now you don't!

We quote:

Dear Sirs,

I read your website recently and would like to (constructively, I hope) express my concerns about recent events as follows:-

Alex R sponsors most of the females at Hampton Wick, Ormond Road and Kingston Hill Monday. She has broken the long-established AA tradition/suggestion/best practice that men sponsor men and women sponsor women. Alex R has had two sponsors – Wally P and Rupert B – both male. This (she says) is fine because she is of a different sexual orientation. All well and good. However, the crucial “grand-sponsor” relationship has become distorted because Alex’s completely heterosexual army of (often attractive) female sponsees now have a completely heterosexual (and very attractive) male grand-sponsor (Rupert) and male great-grand-sponsor (Donald). Alex R also has broken another long-standing AA tradition/suggestion/best practice that a sponsor only have a number of sponsees that they may reasonably cope with. Usually the recommended number was between 3-5 sponsees, depending on the circumstances of the sponsor. Alex R married within her first year of sobriety, has a demanding full-time job AND is doing a postgraduate degree part-time. And in less than 5 years of sobriety, she is alleged to have sponsored close to 100 females, although many of them have relapsed. At the present time she has at least 30 sponsees, possibly more, the exact number isn’t known. She simply doesn’t have the time to sponsor such a large number of females.

The issue? Well, about 3 weeks ago Alex R upped sticks without any prior warning and decamped lock, stock & proverbial barrel to “somewhere in America” where “there aren’t any mobile phones” and/or other communication systems. Until “sometime in December”. She gave her 30 sponsees (well those she could be bothered to notify anyway) vague instructions to “call Rupert if there’s anything”. Well, the fallout from breaking AA traditions/suggestions/best practices began almost immediately. 30 females have been left rudderless. That’s why the best practice of a “manageable number of sponsees” was in place to begin with. Precisely to avoid something like this happening. Next, several of these females have feelings for the attractive Rupert B and have been ringing him up non-stop. Remember that Rupert B also has a double-digit number of male sponsees. He has been busily dodging their calls. And one sponsee who has managed to get through to Rupert has been suggestively telling him about her latest relationship breakup. Again, this is why the best practice of “men with men, women with women” was put into place. It remains to be seen how many of the “rudderless” female sponsees survive until “sometime in December” when Alex R returns. Bearing in mind that “sponsor dependence” has been bred into all of these women, most of whom have rung Alex R every day of their sobriety.

I once heard an Old-Timer tell a group to “please leave AA the way you found it”. Now I understand what they meant.”


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our usual thanks to our correspondent