AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 6 August 2013

Just when we thought the cult could not get any tackier!!

We had to check the calendar just to make sure it wasn't April Fools Day. Up till now we thought we'd plumbed the very depths of cult poor taste (admittedly the least of their transgressions!) before being sent the following photo by a member:

Would anyone like to hazard a guess at which 'hero' of recovery these dolls represent? Answers on a postcard to …. or an email will do! A clue: He (not the dolls – but then who could tell the difference!) will be appearing at the Bristol Reunion as the “Honourable [?] Member from Los Angeles” 


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous) 

PS Apparently these effigies can be purchased at some AA (?) conventions. We've also been reliably informed that the heads bob up and down! Eewwwwwhhhhh! 

PPS Our thanks (although in this instance we're not entirely sure about that – Oh God! The nightmares!) to the member for bringing this to our attention