AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 9 August 2015

Take your pick!

We seem to be getting conflicting information on the precise status of the Lee Mill group (Plymouth area) in terms of their relationship with the Plymouth Road to Recovery cult gang. We quote:

I am a member of the Lee Mill group, and I can assure you, in no uncertain terms, that the group are not supporters of R2R!!!

Quite the opposite in fact.

A recent group conscience revolved around leaving Plymouth Intergroup due to the overbearing influences of R2R, and that many members are very unhappy that the [alleged] fraud issue remains unresolved.

As stated before, the previous Treasurer - …...... - is an employee of the …... , and if his dealings were to come to light then he would be out of a job, hence the R2R cover-up.

A reminder of this, is that the groups were informed that money had gone missing, only to find out 3 weeks later that the amount missing was £14k! Many people's view of this wrong doing has changed dramatically, and if they could have the opportunity again, would have voted for further [action] …...

And as for the f*****g incompetent Dave M, there is a very strong movement for him to be booted out of Intergroup, after all, he never checked the books and, funnily enough, has just had his bathroom converted into a wet room. And still there is no proof that the money that went missing during his tenure as chairman, has ever been replaced. And yes, his nasty little hands do remain outstretched awaiting expenses. Maybe he needs a new kitchen, who can say?

But for the record - Lee Mill are not fans of R2R, and if the blogger would like to visit the Monday meeting, you will see that R2R members, most of whom adore the sounds of their own pious voices and like to share for a considerable length of time, are regularly reminded to mind their language, to keep their shares brief and are cut off after 5 minutes.”

Many thanks


(edits to preserve anonymity)

Comment: Whatever else might be deduced it would seem that Dave M is pretty low in the popularity stakes not to mention (but we will) the ex-treasurer of this cult intergroup


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Thanks to our various correspondents. Further clarification would be welcome.

PPS Plymouth (cult) Intergroup corruption

PPS For AA Minority Report 2013 click here

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