AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Monday 20 August 2012

A RECOVERY GRATITUDE LIST (definitely NOT cult-sponsor approved!)

From one of our correspondents:

“I haven’t had a drink today, and I haven’t been to a cult meeting today.

I am free of alcohol. I am free of cult-sponsor/cult-group co-dependency. (Nice one!)

I can live my own life without constantly having to defer to an abusive and unaccountable self-appointed puffed-up person called a sponsor who attends a cult meeting.

I can practice the program in a way that makes sense to me – just the Big Book and AA suggestions.

I can choose for myself what meetings I go to, not have a cult-sponsor dictate to me what meetings I must go to.

As the Big Book suggests (page 47) , I can choose my own understanding of a Higher Power without have one imposed upon me by a cult-sponsor who may have a sick, fanatical religious agenda (e.g. such as Potty Dotty or David C Icons).

As the Big Book suggests (page 47) , I can also have my own understanding of spiritual expressions, without having to adopt a cult-sponsor’s understanding; which may be tainted by a his/her own sectarian and whacky fundamentalist religion.

As the Big Book suggests I can follow my conscience. I have a free will and a free conscience, and I can be a free and independent sober person.

I can think freely, and not be told what I must think or feel by a cult-sponsor who is clearly mentally deranged (eg such as “Happy Dennis” and others).

In meetings I can share whatever I need to in order to help myself, without having to please a cult-sponsor or fit into his group-think.

I can choose to have a partner/girl-friend, without needing to ask permission from a cult-sponsor who can’t actually make a close intimate loving relationship himself (eg, such as Happy Dennis, David C Icons, or David B).

I can take whatever job I want, without the job having to be approved by a cult-sponsor, who is only interested in recruitment/attendance numbers at his cult home group.

I can make my own decisions in life, and not become “infantilized” by having all my life decisions approved by a cult-sponsor. I can grow up into a responsible adult person.

I am free to make mistakes and learn from them.. and I don't need to drink on them either.

I can experience all emotions, express them, process them properly, and learn from them.

I can grow emotionally, psychologically and socially. I don’t have to end up emotionally frigid, isolated or childish. (eg like Happy Dennis, or David C Icons)

I can find, and have, genuine friends, not mindless and insincere cult cronies who are only my “friend” provided I repeat their sponsor-approved mantras, slogans and group-think activities.

I don’t have to spend money travelling to far away cult-meetings to do chairs etc, because the local meetings are not cult-sponsor approved or considered good enough.

I don’t have excessive phone bills caused by having to ring at least 2 newcomers every day.

I don’t have to suffer the rudeness and arrogance of a cult-sponsor who shouts and lectures down the phone. Or who slams the phone down if I ring a few minutes late. Or who engages in similar angry sick practices, which he calls “recovery” or even “spirituality” but the rest of the sane real world would call bullying and abuse.

I don’t have to worry about doing a long list of made up daily tasks (so-called suggestions), none of which, I have found, are actually necessary for sobriety.

I don’t have to waste money travelling to far away cult “conventions” and pay an exorbitant attendance fee. I can go to local Intergroup organised conventions that follow the Traditions.

I don’t have to squander money in pricey coffee bars and restaurants for the “meeting after the meeting”. I can choose not to go to the café after the meeting if I don’t want to go. Or go if I feel like it. I am free to choose either option.

If I am ill, I can take whatever medication recommended by a qualified doctor, and take it without scruple. I don’t have to ask an arrogant crazy deluded and unqualified cult-sponsor (e.g. Happy Dennis and others) whether I can take life saving medicine.

I can share my step 5 with whoever I want, inside or outside of AA. It is my business, nobody else’s.

I don’t have my confidences betrayed by a cult-sponsor who talks about my personal issues with others behind my back, sometimes under the guise of “seeking guidance from his sponsor”.

If I need the help of a counsellor, or psychiatrist or therapist of any kind, I am free to take such help, as AA recommends. I don't have my recovery damaged by a cult-sponsor dictating to me that he is the only source of truth, wisdom and advice.

In step 12, I can help others in a way that is spontaneous and genuine, and from the heart; and not have to tick boxes or follow some tedious sponsor-dictated quota.

I don’t have a hypocrite cult-sponsor who lectures others on humility and his so-called “marvellous” road to recovery, and demands high moral standards from others; while behaving like a selfish and irresponsible 'letch' in his own life (e.g. Mike Quinones, Wayne P(antsdown), King Clancy the First, and other suchlike hypocrites).

If I want to, I can explore what ALL the religions of the world have to say and make use of what they have to offer, or not as the case may be. I don't have to follow a list of approved books made up by a cult-sponsor who tries to steer his sponsees towards his own dour brand of religion. ( e.g. David C Icons and his so-called "helpful book" list).

I can listen to modern music and visit modern art galleries without a narrow minded cult-sponsor lecturing me about how "self-expression is not in accordance with the program" as he understands it.. (e.g. like David C Icons does)

I can be sober, reasonably happy and enjoy true freedom, without having a cult-sponsor.

Last, but not least, I can go to a sauna if I want to. (I’ve never been to one, but at least I have the option!). And I don’t need to be afraid of meeting a homosexual, or anyone else, there, or anywhere. I don’t have listen to, or be infected with the nasty, sanctimonious bigotry of a cult-sponsor (like David C Icons for example)

All the above.. and more... is my experience, not my opinion. Phew ! Yes, an awful lot to be grateful for !!



The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our usual thanks