AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 26 August 2012

Conference Questions (2012) forum discussion (contd)

Question 2:

Would the Fellowship ask itself the question: “Are there too many meetings and not enough groups?”


Pamphlet ‘The AA Group’
The Home Group: Heartbeat of AA
Consider the contribution to the carrying of the message, financial and practical implications when deliberating each question.”


In reply to …...., some useful information can be found in the minority report which has been mentioned in a number of posts elsewhere on this forum and on the website on which it has been posted. The report can be found by placing “AA minority report 2012” into a search engine. Other sites which also come up in the search, aagrapevine.org and the site that is helping people leave AA, may also provide some information.

The lack of information is a problem. AA is dealing with what are apparent local situations when in fact they are being induced by a number of globally organized outside organizations. For example, the “Emotional Sobriety” workshop flyer that was picked up at one of the AA meetings in my area is identical to ones which were distributed in London,(GB) and in Perth, Australia; The only difference are the dates, times and venues. The organization is based in the USA. (Examples of these flyers can be found displayed on the website which provides a link to the minority report)

The “Emotional Sobriety” organization is not mentioned in the minority report but it can be found by placing the terms “stepping ahead into emotional sobriety” into a search engine. The 12 step guide that it produces is a workbook. Whenever I look at the workbook’s content I think of the plight of June W’s flatmate:

I am concerned that we are not reaching people who cannot read well or cannot read at all. I am new to the program and making my way through the Steps. I struggle to understand the "Twelve and Twelve," even with a college degree and help from my sponsor and other AAs. Meanwhile, my roommate, also newly sober and with a grade school education, can't make any sense of her Step workbook and is about to give up. How many people do we lose this way?....... (June W. Gaithersburg, Md. “Dear Grapevine, Shut Out” (Extract) A.A. Grapevine November 2010) http://www.aagrapevine.org/

When I read things in the workbook such as “G.O.D. × 3 = The “Conversion” Process” or “1° (G.O.D × 3) × 2.5× 8 × 30 = 42.5”, I can’t make sense of it either.

I think initially there needs to be a greater awareness within the fellowship and then it is a matter for an active individual and group conscience at all levels. A silent majority is no majority at all.

Contributions to the AA Grapevine “I Say” forums from these guardians of AA Tradition among others, give me hope that AA still does have a good future, but it is now time for the reservists to come up and fortify the front line. In their groups, intergroups and at all levels.

Beware of the institutionalized outside sponsorship system that pry on you instead of pray for you. When all else fails try A.A.” (Anonymous on Tue, 2011-11-29 00:23.)

Beware of "pigeon hunters";those very eager to latch on to a newcomer. Tho usually well intentioned are often far off the AA beam.” (Anonymous on Tue, 2011-10-11 09:07.)

There is no place for labels in A.A.
The outside sponsorship system around A.A. lacks humility and there victims are keep away from A.A friends of the whole a true fellowship not a followsit.” (Anonymous on Wed, 2011-11-16 11:34.)

Is the outside sponsorship system killing A.A through there personalities - Personality is simply another persons reality not always Gods. Does the outside system undermined the 3 pertinent ideas of A.A. itself? LOUD YES Does the outside system undermined the promises of A.A. to intuitively handle situations? LOUD YES Is the outside system miss used inside A.A - Take a closer look victims.” (Anonymous on Sun, 2012-02-05 09:05.)

Quote "I wonder if the "requirements" thrown at newcomers turns them off?" The Outside sponsorship system in A.A. UNDERMINES A.A's ideas!!!
How? Read A.A's 3 "PERTINENT" ideas. The Outside sponsorship system in A.A. UNDERMINES Gods promises to A.A's
How? You will intuitively be able to handle situations. The outside sponsorship system has been around a long time and so has evil” (Anonymous on Thu, 2012-02-02 17:53) http://www.aagrapevine.org/


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)