AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 15 September 2012

David B, David C "Icons" and the Catholic Connection

To quote:

First of all I want to say that, although I am not a Catholic myself, I have no prejudice or issue with the Roman Catholic Church per se. The point of this report is not to denigrate the Catholic Church or debate its teachings, but to expose individuals within the Vision/Joys hierarchy who, having converted to Catholicism, are importing Catholic dogma and moral teachings into AA and presenting and imposing these upon newcomers and sponsees as AA-program in violation of the Traditions and the Preamble of our fellowship. I also wish to say that, as far as I am aware, the Catholic Church is not complicit in the activity of the Vision/Joys cult.

Around the mid-1990’s David B, founder of the Vision cult, began attending the Brompton Oratory, a large Catholic church in Kensington. This church is well known for its ornate Masses said in Latin, and its professional choir, who sing classical church music, and its very conservative Catholic outlook. I understand David B started going to the Oratory after a sponsee of his called John converted to Catholicism and invited him to go to the 11am high mass there. A number of David B’s sponsees began to attend with him also, including David C "Icons" and his sponsees, and after Sunday mass they would all have lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Around the same time as this was going on there developed a more judgmental and “Catholic” attitude to moral questions and issues. Sex before marriage was forbidden for David’s sponsees on the grounds that is was supposedly “selfish”. Then suddenly artificial birth control was also outlawed for any of David’s sponsees. This gross interference in personal liberty and conscience was enthusiastically reinforced later by David B’s successor, David C "Icons". David C "Icons" decided that promoting the moral teachings of the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, on sexual matters was part of the message of AA. Thus unwary newcomers and sponsees were told, among other things:

1) No masturbation. It’s selfish. It’s a defect. A sin against “purity”, and something to feel guilty about.
2) No use of artificial birth control (contraception). Birth control was seen as a moral evil and "selfish" and encouraging "lust". Sponsees who used birth control were "off the program" and ran the risk of serious disapproval from David C "Icons" and co, not the mention the Pope.
3) No Abortion - abortion was described as "murder" and contrary to the program.
4) No sex outside marriage. Sex outside marriage was not allowed in the group and offenders would lose their sponsor. Thus the life saving message of AA was withdrawn from those who did not go along with this moral dogma.
5) Sex and relationships were only for the production of children within marriage. Homosexuality was frowned upon.
6) Extreme and outdated forms of sexual etiquette. For example; David C "Icons" thought that women should be chaperoned (accompanied by a responsible adult) on their early dates with men. He was uncertain a lady should even be kissed on her first date. Indeed he himself needed to consult his sponsor about this delicate matter when he had a date one evening. (It should be remembered that David C "Icons" was a man in his late 30’s and not a young teenager. This childish level of extreme sponsor dependency may make the reader laugh, but should not be surprising. Obedience to David B and the whole Vision/Joys cult style of sponsor worship definitely tended to infantilize the sponsee for life). Needless to say the lady concerned dumped him.

David C "Icons" also decided that if one was to follow a faith outside of AA, (which the Big Book suggests as a possible way of improving one’s spiritual life (pages 87 & 132) - then that faith should always be a WESTERN one. So, for example, Buddhism, Hinduism etc were strictly speaking not to be encouraged. In fact, people in the fellowship who turned to Buddhism to enrich the spiritual life tended to be mocked by David C "Icons". Only a western Christian faith would be acceptable, and of course, Catholicism was particularly to be favoured and embraced. It is noticeable that sponsees of David C "Icons" have also converted to Catholicism – Jim W for one, co-author of the big book website. And there are many others all the way down the line to the latest influx of recruits to the Vision/Joys cult.

Not long after I left the Vision cult, I was approached by a young man, whom I shall call Mr. C, who asked me to sponsor him. He was a refugee from Vision, his cult sponsor who was one of the Vision hierarchy had “sacked” him and consigned him to the ”outer darkness”. The “outer darkness” was an expression at the Vision cult which referred to the rest of the fellowship. In this case the reason was very interesting. Mr. C had been told by his Vision cult sponsor that he should consider becoming a Catholic. Rightly, Mr. C felt that this was a gross violation of his human rights and freedom of conscience, and this cult sponsor had no right on insisting upon conversion to a particular denomination. According to the AA Preamble, read out at every meeting, AA is not allied to any religious sect or denomination. However the Vision sponsor did not seem to agree with the Preamble. According to the sponsor, Mr. C’s refusal to become a Catholic was due to “a resentment against the institution of the Catholic Church” and he should look at his “defects” regarding this issue, and then pray to have them removed. This is typical Vision/Joys cult tactic. If you don’t agree with what they say, it’s because “you have a resentment”. They are always right (it’s their “humility”, you see!). Mr. C, having prayed a great deal, still did not want to become a Catholic, and so he was “sacked” or “consigned to the outer darkness” (might we even say “excommunicated”!) by the Vision cult sponsor. This incident was interesting because it revealed a tendency at the Vision cult which I had been aware of for some time - and that was the Catholic Connection.

Another incident I recall was when one of David C Icon’s sponsees (called Jim) was sponsoring a man who was Jewish and who wanted to date a Catholic girl. David C "Icons" ruled that this was not to be encouraged, as he had decided mixed religion relationships were not compatible spiritually.

David C "Icons" also produced a “Helpful Books” reading list as part of the Document he wrote called “Companion to the Big Book” – this was an early version of his current big book website. The reading list is interesting because almost all the books suggested for reading are exclusively Catholic. These include the hefty many-volumed Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas, a medieval saint and theologian . David C "Icons" opines that St Thomas was the “biggest brain box ever”. I showed this list of “helpful books” to a friend of mine who happens to be a Catholic priest and he thought it looked like a reading list for someone who was studying for Catholic priesthood or seminary. It is certainly heavily biased in favour of a Catholic viewpoint.

Since all this happened, it would seem that David C "Icons" has become even more extreme, fanatical and bigoted. He has developed the “Way of Beauty” which is a concept inspired by a decree of Pope John-Paul II. David C "Icons" derides and condemns modern art as “selfish” (one of his favourite put downs of anything he doesn’t like or understand); and, indeed, for him, any kind of “self-expression” is regarded almost as a form of heresy. For David C "Icons" only the “Truth” matters. And the “Truth” can only be found within the Catholic religion. The high Art of other cultures may look beautiful, may even be skilfully produced, but it isn’t “True” so at best would only find a place in his back garden, (perhaps by the compost heap, or beside the garden gnomes). Belittling other religions, especially Buddhism (“everyone today is a Buddhist” he sighs sarcastically during one of his American Catholic TV broadcasts) is all part of his prejudice against anything that does not reflect the rigid and rigorous dogmas of his own one true faith. Clearly he isn’t a very secure person.

I don’t think I need comment on the mind-numbing arrogance, fascism, bigotry, selfishness, and sheer infantile idiocy demonstrated by the Vision/Joys cult and its leadership. It is self evident and beyond words. But perhaps I can conclude with some quotes from the literature – the real message of AA.

From the Preamble:
AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Tradition 10 (Short form):
Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

Tradition 10 (Long Form):
No A.A. group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate A.A., express any opinion on outside controversial issues—particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views whatever.

And perhaps David C "Icons" much vaunted “humility” might extend to apologizing for his misuse and abuse of AA, and for having damaged the chances of recovery of many alcoholics who have, over the years of his influence and activity, been alienated from AA and the AA program by his extreme arrogance, his narcissism and his demagogy. Perhaps he might like to get off his well-worn knees, clean up his AA act, and practice some genuine humility. We won’t hold our breath. “


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Thanks to our correspondent