AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 29 September 2012

Nothing changes if nothing changes!

dear aacultwatch,

wayne p still at it.

I needed help to stop or moderate my drinking, I lost my job and nearly my sanity.

I joined r to r [Road to Recovery Plymouth cult group] seeking help, the first meeting they were over me like a rash, read the big book, get a sponsor,do the steps and ring 2 members a day, the usual cult starting point.

At last an answer, so I thought in my confused state.

I followed the path, started doing the programme,sobered up but starting to rely on my sponsor.

Whenever I questioned the teachings of space cadet Wayne I was not working the programme.

My first sponsor left the group why? This left me confused, so I got a new one.

He took me to step 4,then step 5, but like a bolt of reality I saw through the bullshit, he did not know what was written in the r to r website.

I never went back.

There are many good and caring people in that group, but it feels like its Waynes world. You cannot question or discuss different thoughts other than space cadet Waynes teaching.

AA can help,it got me sober and the rest of my life depend on me choosing the right path.


PS, another space cadet is Alexis K, in r and r.”

(our edits)

Comment: Not much to say … the same old same old... business as usual. But the usual cult 'shut down' lines apply ….. A particular favourite amongst the 'pointed headed' ones is the 'are you prepared to go to any lengths' rejoinder. Anyone who fails to comply is challenged accordingly. Of course what they fail to point out – that is if they ever noticed it in the first place – is that the “any lengths” referred to are YOUR “any lengths” not THEIR “any lengths”! But like all control freaks they have great difficulty in recognising other human beings as being at all autonomous or capable of exercising any judgement on their own behalf. 'My will not thine be done' is the gold standard as ever in cult circles! Remember …. your sponsor is now your GOD-father .. and ….. true humility is expressed through obedience to your SPONSOR! (Oh pass the sick bag …. please!!)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Thanks to our correspondent