AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 13 September 2012

The Last Mile Foundation aka Step'n Ahead aka Emotional Sobriety aka …. who knows what else!

Busy …. busy …. busy... No time to lose!...... So many addicts to 'save' and so much dosh to be collected.... how does Wayne Butler (president/CEO) find the time!

And so …..from Perth, Western Australia:

Hi friends of AA,

It was wonderful to find your article on this Wayne B. and his company!

I live in Perth, Western Australia and I am a very concerned member of AA because of the same reasons written in your concerns!

You're correct …. he has been here often, got to the young members, how I have seen them change under him. They teach his words, follow like sheep!!

One of the most dangerous issues is they are preaching NO medication!!!!! I have had a young newcomer on the phone to me crying after his "Spons" had told him he was not to take any medication while coming off alcohol, this poor sweet young man had not one but two alcoholic seizures ending up in hospital, he could have died and almost did! The doctor treating him wanted the name of this sponsor from AA , this looks bad for the fellowship!! After being made to feel under the control of this "Spons" making many phone calls to AA members but not able to distance himself from this "group" he is missing/gone..

Yes he comes here to his "work shops" or using AA members not aware of his game to fund them!

The control over his followers here frightens me and many other AA members. They go out to our meetings promoting their next "Money Raising Event". And they have had many!! We were informed to have a group conscience meeting and add that we only announce changes to AA meetings or AA anniversaries. We do Not give medical advice at this meeting,please respect this in your sharing. Also if they do not, then do not ask them to share.

We have also stopped them announcing their "events" where you pay at the door, or prepay in our AA literature, this along with not being able sell their event to our members should stop the funding for his company from our true AA members!

The control is out of control!!!

God bless


and then... from Rochester, New York state:

Hello -

It looks like the Emotional Sobriety folks are coming to my hometown for our annual fall conference. I am very glad to have come across your site, and the links back to their program. Something just didn't ring true. I certainly have no intention of attending!

http://www.rochester-ny-aa.org/ you'll find a link to the conference flyer on this page


(our edits)

Comment: Quite apart from the vicious consequences suffered by new AA members as a result of this commercial enterprise's irresponsible activities it would seem that the Rochester Area Intergroup is now complicit in promoting the very same! Now what was that tradition ….. the one about non affiliation.. And wasn't there another one about being self supporting through our own voluntary contributions? Nah! It's slipped our minds for the time being....... couldn't have been very important anyway..... could it?


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Rochester Area Intergroup incidentally will shortly be receiving a link to the above!