AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 26 May 2013

Big Book Study Guides? AAWS Arrives at a Position (1977)

We quote:

Increasing numbers of requests come to A.A. World Services for permission to reprint the Twelve Steps and other parts of the Big Book in "study guides" and other interpretive material. Some come from treatment centers that try to give instruction in the A.A. Program to their patients. Other requests originate within A.A. After several months of study by a committee appointed for the purpose, a policy was adopted. The members of the committee unanimously recommended that permission should not be granted to reprint portions of basic A.A. recovery literature in study guides or interpretive material, and that if such guides are necessary, A.A. should publish them itself.

Here is what some A.A.W.S. Directors said. One trustee-director wrote:

"The individual A.A. member does not need another person or institution to think for him or her - in fact, this could be a very bad thing. Part of the beauty and magic of A.A. is that persons from all walks of life, with varied backgrounds, may benefit from the Big Book, the Steps, the Traditions, and the Concepts, from their own points of view. Placing guidelines on paper seems to say, ’This is the way - the only way.’

"The authors of this priceless material knew what they were doing. Their words require study, not interpretation."

Another trustee-director enlarged on this line of thinking as follows: "As it is now, to the extent A.A. takes positions, it is in our literature, etc. and if it isn’t there, A.A. does not have a position. This is clear and simple, and we should keep it this way.

I am of the opinion we should not prepare interpretive or study guides ourselves. Since we feel that alcoholism is a self-diagnosed disease, it follows that recovery is a program of self action. Our literature, our program, the Steps, the groups, and the meetings all facilitate self-diagnosis and self-action within the A.A. environment.

I see our literature, particularly the books, as being study guides. It’s all there. I see the meetings, particularly closed meetings, as the interpretive workshops. Often, comments at meetings have gotten me back to the source documents for further study or have shed additional light on the printed word. I almost have the feeling that the words are living, changing, growing.

One of our slogans is ’Keep it simple.’ I believe our books are just simple enough to stand as they are and just complex enough to live and grow."

A third trustee-director said, "My knowledge of recovery has been received in the Fellowship through the experience of one drunk sharing with another, not on an instructive basis or in a classroom atmosphere. I believe we in A.A. communicate with each other in a language of the heart."

The board has adopted the following policy statement:

"The A.A. World Services Board of Directors feels strongly that permission should not be granted to outside publishers or other parties to reprint A.A. literature for the purpose of study guides or interpretive or explanatory texts, etc. If such interpretive or study guides are to be prepared, they should be published by A.A. World Services, Inc.

The board recognizes, however, that A.A. is a program of self-diagnosis, self-motivation, and self-action and that the use of study guides, courses, classes, or interpretations is therefore not generally appropriate. The program is spiritual rather than academic. Hence, it is preferable that the individual member or prospect interpret the literature according to his own point of view. For these reasons, the board does not plan to publish study guides or interpretations of A.A. literature at this time."

The full position paper is available from G.S.O.”

(our emphases)

See also here

Comment: So they were saying this back in 1977 and yet still the recovery 'industry' both within and outside AA continues to churn out material of questionable value (and we're being extremely generous here)! Joe and Charlie, Primary Purpose, Back to Basics, The Last Straw Foundation (oops …. the Last MILE Foundation) and other assorted members of that age old fraternity – the 'snake oil' purveyors - continue to bombard anyone within range with their particular 'take' on the recovery programme. Of course what works for Joe and Charlie may be be fine …. for Joe and Charlie. For our part we'd rather do our own thinking thank you very much! But there may well be members of the Fellowship who are so weak-minded that they are unable to figure it out for themselves .... but then who wants to admit that! Our own recovery course (carefully hidden away in the Articles section) is an approach not an interpretation and allows the widest possible latitude for the exercise of the critical faculties ….. but yours not somebody elses!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our thanks to the member for drawing this document to our attention