AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 23 May 2013

The Last Mile Foundation Inc. ... again! Like a bad penny!

Wayne Butler Executive Director, Last Mile Foundation Inc.

Let’s Play Wayne’s Game! (Not)
Coming Soon! (May 24, 2013!!!!)
Life’s In Session® (Made in China)



Greetings to my friends and fellow trudgers” http://www.lifesinsession.com/

Well, it sure rings bells. Monopoly? Nope. Snap? Maybe – “Chuck” Dederich and the Synanon Cult? The “Game”? - Great minds think alike!

Control over members occurred through the "Game". The "Game" could have been considered to be a therapeutic tool, likened to a form of group therapy; or else to a form of a "social control", in which members humiliated one another and encouraged the exposure of one another's innermost weaknesses, or maybe both of these.” (Synanon Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synanon)

As we ponder Wayne’s Game, we wonder, could the player’s exposé of another’s innermost weaknesses and control over him begin when the newcomer lands on the ‘Analysis Paralysis’ space? Or when he’s trying, (but not able) to work out ‘over 150 associations of play of the game’? Or when he lands on the ‘Take an Inventory’ space? Or when he gets lost in the ‘28 page Analogy Booklet’ and the ‘rule book’? Or when he picks up a ‘sponsor card’? Or could it be when the ‘2 minute timer’ runs out? Just imagine the sweating newbie’s pounding heart, those frantically flitting eyes, as the sponsor clock is ticking and he knows that time’s running out on him - in ‘Life’s in Session®!’ BRAIN SEIZURE! Heart stopping! Eh? How exciting! What sponsor fun!

For info on the Last Mile Foundation’s murky goings on in Perth, Australia, see AA Minority Report 2013, appendices 1K and 1J, Click here

For info on Synanon and how to spot a modern day cult in your neighbourhood, we recommend “Cults in Our Midst” by Margaret Thaler Singer: “Cults basically have only two purposes: recruiting new members and fundraising.” (page 11) http://www.amazon.com/Cults-Our-Midst-Continuing-Against/dp/0787967416/ (amazon.com)   

After that why not put your feet up with a Synanon Short Film, (Hotel California, such a lovely place.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THu690d7qJE

How history repeats itself with a twist!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

* Or any good bookseller!  (bear in mind Amazon's VERY extensive tax avoidance activities!)