AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Harefield Hospital

Some info recently received:

By the way the latest item you have on your site about Harefield resonates with a few experiences I have had. Apparently there is a cult meeting that meets in Harefield Hospital. I'm not sure what bunch of loonies they are connected with, but they are big book mentalists with no regard to the traditions or the rest of AA. I heard a chair from one of them recently and all he did was slag off the rest of the fellowship. Some narcissist up in that neck of the woods was his sponsor. The meeting meets in a hospital and they are telling newcomers not to take medication....?. Hmmm I think the hospital should be informed. “

Comment: We can find no listing for any meeting held directly in the hospital although there are two meetings included in the online AA Where to Find which are located nearby. ie. Harefield Sunday and Harefield There is a Solution Friday


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our usual thanks to our correspondents