AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Wednesday 4 December 2013

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a Cult? (contd)

See here for original blog entry
Under Readers' comments
For 15 plus years, I have been attending AA meetings. And during this time, i have struggled. I have struggled with the AA-Nazi's, the Big Book Thumpers, the preachers, the dogmatics and the like. Among the reasons for this struggle is that I never heard them trying to help me. What I heard them saying was that they would not accept me as I am, and they would not accept me until, or unless, I did certain things [ the steps their way, accept their belief in their Higher Power, etc.]. I heard rejection. Rejection of me as I am. They seemed to offer only conditional acceptance. Acceptance if, and when, I did what they told me to do [meaning their way].

Recently, at a meeting, it struck me. After hearing a few "Nazi's" and Thumpers telling the "newbies" all the things they MUST do, I realized,..... it was..... the BORG!

"Resistance is futile" they would say. They wanted to assimilate me, and the "newbies" into their "collective!"

I can't do this. I can't conform. I can't fit in. I must resign myself to living on the fringe of AA.

Sometimes its a bit lonely here, and other times, I find there are more people on the fringe than I realized! 

Anyone else out there on the fringe?”

Comment: Plenty! You're not alone! 
The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)