AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 15 February 2014

The 'chit' system – there is a solution!

aacultwatch, in our endless quest to be helpful, believe we have found a solution to that vexing question – the 'chit' system. 'Chits', as they are known, or confirmation of attendance at AA meetings for the benefit of outside agencies (probation service, Department of Employment (or whatever it's been rebranded these days), Tescos etc etc), are quite contrary to AA's traditions (non-affiliation etc). But ever since the government found itself to be potless (due to financial mismanagement by the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer (dear old Gordon – anyone seen Gordon these days?) together with some considerable assistance from those people whose occupation rhymes with 'wankers', and thereafter assorted tax scroungers (as opposed to benefit scroungers who quite frankly are small fish by comparison) eg. Google, Starbucks, Boots,... the list as they say goes on ad infinitum) …..they've been looking around for a cheap alternative to deal with the massive drink problem gripping the UK (no doubt fuelled by rock bottom retail alcohol prices ably assisted by a Prime Minister who seems to be quite happy to renege on his original commitment to introducing minimum pricing on alcoholic beverages – we wonder why??). And what could be cheaper than free? This is where AA comes to the rescue. We provide a round-the-clock recovery service (sounds like the other AA doesn't it!), 365 days a year for absolutely nothing! But unfortunately these agencies do have their quotas to meet which means they need records (records of attendance that is). Forking out dough to send escorts with these sometimes unwilling punters to confirm attendance at meetings rather defeats the object of the exercise ie. to save the dear old taxpayers cash. So that's where AA comes in .. and now we're back to the chit system. But then that would be contrary to our traditions wouldn't it. If we participate in enforcing what is after all an outside organisation's policies we are effectively endorsing these. And we're not supposed to do that. So that's where we (aacultwatch) come in. Since we're not part of AA we're not constrained by the same obligations. We can sign anyone off for anything! So here's HOW IT WORKS! All the punters (sorry – court mandated etc newcomers) need to do is to send their details into us and we'll provide a rather nice certificate (see below) confirming attendance at any meeting of their choosing. Of course there'll be a modest administrative charge for all this (the printing, postage etc) but still far cheaper than any of the alternatives. In fact we'll even offer a bulk service where batches of chits can be supplied in advance at a discounted price. Everyone's a winner! Problem? End of! We thought you'd like it!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous …. and of making a fast buck!)

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