AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 2 October 2011

Joys of Recovery Detroit (US)

Over the past few years from time to time we've received a few emails in relation to the above group. The name is suggestive (although not necessarily) of some kind of connection with the Joys/Visions cult in the UK. It does seem though that there is more of a direct linkage than that. Indeed we are given to understand that David (The Icon) C has been a regular visitor over the years and is even sponsor to at least one of its members. We are told that he enjoys some status within the group hierarchy, this led apparently by a husband and wife double act who function as “mummy and daddy” to its members. (The latter two have moved out of the area but still continue to sponsor many members of the group “cascade style”” thereby effectively controlling the group conscience. See below). English by birth David C has is now a resident in the US. For those of you who are not familiar with the cult lineage the Icon took over from the founder of the Joys movement, David B, when the latter finally shuffled off this “mortal coil” in 1998. He is one of the central coordinators of the cult's activities in the Great Britain and Ireland, and co-author of one of the cult websites from which so much of their ideas are drawn (including this little sample – now withdrawn from the website). We are told that the Detroit group exhibit all the usual characteristics of the Joys cult. As mentioned above they operate a “cascade style” of sponsorship ie. a hierarchical system based on the notion that recovery is impossible without the “direction” of a sponsor and moreover that compliance must be absolute; the sponsee must ALWAYS defer to the will of the sponsor. This is an effective paraphrase of Step Three (see here for our ironic interpretation of the steps 'cult style') . This dogma driven approach results in a top down pyramid power structure with the main sponsor(s) “running the show”, and dictating the group conscience to successive layers of sub-sponsors (sponsees). Those who fail to fall into their appointed role within this schema will find themselves excluded and indeed subject to summary “excommunication” from the collective; dissent - unlike misery apparently - is NOT optional. Effectively the central principle of AA , that each person (in order to recover) should seek to establish some kind of conscious contact with a God or Higher Power of their understanding, has been displaced by “sponsor power”, this last concept a direct contradiction of both the Steps and of the second “pertinent idea” referred to in Chapter Five “How It Works”:

(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism

leading to the conclusion:

(c) That God could and would if He were sought.

Note: the complete absence of the terms “sponsor”, “sponsee”, “sponsorship” throughout the entire basic text.

We shall see though what we shall see


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(our thanks to our various reporters)