AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 30 October 2011

Which Big Book? AA's or the cult's?

A Comparison of Step 3 from David C Icons so-called”big book recovery“ website
with the book Alcoholics Anonymous
David C Icons/Jim W’s website
Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
This is a decision to go on with the program and the practical consequences are that we decide to do the other steps and try to behave in accordance with the spiritual principles of honesty, unselfishness, love and purity, (the 4 Absolutes of the Oxford Group cult) and that we will follow the guidance of our sponsors.
Not in the Big Book. No mention of having to follow the 4 Absolutes or having to follow the guidance of a sponsor, or any other person.

N. B. Remember the words of the Big Book itself. “To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book.” (AA; page xiv - foreward to the 1st Edition.) In other words - if something isn’t precisely there in the book, it wasn’t meant to be there.

If we have followed all the suggestions given in the before, and are ready to follow all that our sponsor suggests further, then we can answer this question with a firm, ‘Yes’.  (As we said before, for most of us, we learn to trust our Higher Power by first placing our trust in our sponsor.)
Not in the Big Book. No mention of having to follow a list of Daily Suggestions, or any other daily quota of tasks, prior to taking step 3. Again no mention of having to follow what a sponsor suggests or what anyone else suggests. No mention of having to “trust” any human being or human power, sponsor or otherwise.
And then we read out the prayer, while on our knees.
Not in the Big Book. No mention of any specific body posture required to say/read 3rd step prayer, or indeed any other prayer found in the book.
This step was better done with a sponsor

Misrepresentation of the Big Book. Taking Step 3 with someone other than a sponsor is not mentioned as an option in the website.

Misrepresentation of the Big Book. Taking Step 3 alone is not mentioned as an option in the website. It must be done with a sponsor
Not in the Big Book. The actual text says “We found it very desirable to take this spiritual step with an understanding person, such as our wife, best friend, or spiritual advise. But it is better to meet God alone than with one who might misunderstand…” (page 63) (for example, a sponsor may not understand my conception of a God who does not require kneeling, or other matters pertaining to personal faith, custom and culture.)
We do not retake Step Three as we go through the programmer
Not in the Big Book There is no clear instruction in the Big Book that we cannot retake Step 3 if we desire to do so.
Omission of the fact that the Big Book says that many used the prayer, thus implying that there were those who did not, yet were still included in the fellowship (Many of us, but not all of us).
Omission of the option of using another prayer, or different wording, is not allowed in the website. Again misrepresenting the actual Big Book text, which allows for individuals to follow their own conscience.
Many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him… (page 63)

The wording was, of course, quite optional so long as we expressed the idea.. (page 63)

(our thanks to this contributor for their analysis)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)