AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 11 October 2011

More from Derbyshire....and Mid-Trent....and Notts....and Leicester... the plot thickens!

“They [Derbyshire intergroup] had us [Derby City groups] thrown off the local list of meetings twice, had every member of our meetings removed from service twice, and persuaded all three local intergroup to deny us membership. Their sponsees and those influenced by them reliably neglected to mention the existence of our group to helpline callers even when we were allowed on the list.

The intergroup situation is essentially a sham. The old East Midlands Intergroup was felt to be too large, and was dominated by a few Notts old-timers, so …..... created The Mid-Trent and Derbyshire Intergroups, which are still run by acolytes of those same Notts old-timers …....... with the cultists in tow or leading on occasion. Mid-Trent IG failed in fairly short order, and Derbyshire IG is just a fig-leaf for the Notts old-timers (or "senior AAs" as they like to be called) continuing to run things. They would rather have the cultists at the helm than a truly independent IG. We showed the senior AAs the literature we sent you and they did nothing, then allowed the cultists to throw us off. Leicester simply ignores the Intergroup, "Notts and Leicester IG" is only so called because Leicester can't even be bothered to turn up to announce that they are leaving.

I can give a lot more detail, but that's the essential position. When we were denied IG membership,we were told by ….. members (acting as IG emissaries) that all three IGs had had to deny us membership as a "unity issue". That this was the basis on which we are not in the IG makes our expulsion from service on the grounds of our non-membership all the more unreasonable.

In terms of documentary evidence, they have not in the past minuted any decision to throw us off, and have only gone in writing about the decision at all on this occasion, in the letter they sent to us."

Comment: We did contact Derbyshire IG to get their side of the story – the silence is still quite deafening!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(our usual thanks to this contributor)