AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Medications and AA II

“Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2011-10-09 08:13.

“Two months before I got sober I was hospitalized for two weeks, diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder/manic depression. I convinced my doctors that I was just an ACOA blowing off steam and got off of medication. I went on a wild bender and soon wound up in AA.

About 18 months into sobriety I was hospitalized again, this time for six weeks. Thank God for the support of my AA friends through that ordeal. My then sponsor accused me of 'chewing my booze'. I put her name on the "do not want to see list' and she wasn't allowed in to see me. I later fired her and got another sponsor.

I was discharged and have been on Lithium ever since (22 years). For me, managing my mental illness is crucial to my sobriety and staying sober is crucial to managing my manic depression. I have had only one hospitalization since and that was after breast cancer surgery. I was hospitalized for one week and had a second surgery, to clear the margins, during that stay.

My doctors, especially my psychiatrist, are wholly supportive of my sobriety and we work together to keep me healthy.

I used to carry around the pamphlet, 'AA Members Medication and other Drugs'. I'd read the section about AA having no opinion, that it's between the member and their doctors, at meetings, when so called old-timers would bash people for taking prescribed medications, painkillers, psych drugs etc. I know it was helpful to the confused member on medication. They came up to me after the meeting and thanked me. I have sponsored a few of them.

I have been sober for over 24 years and have been on medication for 22 of those years. I know that without my medication, my sobriety would be nonexistent today. And, staying sober allows me to manage my mental illness.

I am so grateful for the tools of the program, especially the Grapevine. Several years ago there was in issue called The Forgotten Chapter with stories about members with mental illness. I still have that issue and read it when I need to be reminded that I am not unique in AA.

Keep up the good work”

Above is an extract from the AA Grapevine site (the US based magazine) – the I-Say forum. This production is generally much punchier than Share (GB) with some really lively discussion both in the articles and in the forum.

Comment: A shrewd member indeed, 'launching' their sponsor at the first sign of authoritarianism! Are you having problems with your sponsor? Are they getting a bit pushy? Have they become increasingly childish and grandiose? Are they becoming interfering and intrusive? Solution – show them the DOOR!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)