AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 24 November 2012

aacultwatch forum daily reflections

Extracts from our forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/aacultwatch under thread: “aacultwatch forum daily reflections”

(The original strong and simple group purpose was thus dissipated in fruitless controversy and divergent aims.) And again, ‘Some [of the Washingtonian local groups] dipped into their treasuries to finance their own publications. There was no overall editorial policy”. -Bill W. (AA Grapevine August 1945. Language of the Heart page 5)

We are sure that if the original Washingtonians could return to this planet they would be glad to see us learning from their mistakes. They would not regard our observations as aimless criticism. Had we lived in their day we might have made the same errors. Perhaps we are beginning to make some of them now.” - Bill W. (AA Grapevine August 1945. Language of the Heart page 5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washingtonian_movement

We envisaged the writing of a uniform A.A. literature, the development of a sound public relations policy..” – Bill W. 1962 (Concept I)

Our literature is a principle means by which A.A. recovery, unity, and service are facilitated” – Bill W. 1962 (Concept XI).

"1939, Psychiatrist Dr. W.D. Silkworth M.D.

These ex-alcoholic men and women number about one hundred at present. One Group is scattered along the Atlantic seaboard with New York as a center. Another and somewhat larger body is located in the Middle West… … … The fellowship is entirely indifferent concerning the individual manner of spiritual approach so long as the patient is willing to turn his life and his problems over to the care and direction of his creator. The patient may picture the Deity in any way he likes. No effort whatever is made to convert him to some particular faith or creed. Many creeds are represented among the group and the greatest harmony prevails. It is emphasized that the fellowship is non-sectarian and that the patient is entirely free to follow his own inclination. Not a trace of aggressive evangelism is exhibited… … … Considering the presence of the religious factor, one might expect to find an unhealthy emotionalism and prejudice. This is not the case, however; on the contrary there is an instant readiness to discard old methods for new ones which produce better results.” Dr. W.D Silkworth M.D. (A New Approach to Psychotherapy in Chronic Alcoholism,” Journal Lancet, July 1939; A.A. Comes of Age, appendix E:a, pages 304-305)"


Most of us in Akron didn’t like all this praying,’ said Oscar. ‘We’d had enough of it in the Oxford Group. I still don’t like praying in A.A. I don’t like the Serenity Prayer. New York brought it in, and we resented it. We thought they were bringing back the Oxford Group” - Akron 1942, recalled by Oscar W. (Dr.Bob and the Good Old Timers, page 271)"

(our emphases)

Comment: So there is some point to AA Conference Approved literature after all!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)