AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 14 March 2013

Pacific Group and others …..

We recently came across Shelly's blog in our wanderings through the highways and byways of the world wide web. It doesn't deal exclusively with matters relating to AA and cult activity within the fellowship but there is one section which goes into considerable detail about the conduct of some groups in the US, some of whose behaviour is highly questionable to say the least! Some we have mentioned before (such as the Midtown group - Mike Quinones etc) but there are a few we hadn't come across before. And so we begin with that old favourite:

We have to say right off that a lot of this stuff sounds awfully familiar … and we do mean awfully familiar …..right down to the “six suggestions” (which are continually metamorphosing and expanding like some kind of nightmareish blob monster!). Here are the same “sponsor worship” tendencies, 'expert' misinformation, 'directions' rather than 'suggestions', abusive power relationships, gurus and 'benevolent dictators' and so on and so forth. But we'll leave you to survey this unsavoury mess for yourselves! Only one suggestion: you might need a powerful sedative before reading it (under doctor's orders only of course!)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)