AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 30 March 2013

“Rights” denied – or duties ignored!

Comment: Again a question that didn't quite make it! And again a familiar refrain from the cult groups when the local AA service structure recognises the dangers these groups pose both to newcomers and to the fellowship generally, and then act accordingly. What about our rights they protest! But then it might equally well be asked of them - what about your duties? For example your duty of care to the newcomer, your duty not to subject them to abuse, your duty to support AA unity and not act divisively? But these are the very groups who assert so loudly their autonomy (through the usual misrepresentation of Tradition Four), defend so vociferously their “right to be wrong”, who claim that they can act any way they please but then protest when the surroundings groups elect to exercise similar “rights” and throw them out. Might we “suggest” (and we do mean “suggest”) that these groups take their OWN inventory, look to what they might be doing WRONG and amend their conduct commensurately. It might just be conceivable that it's not AA that's getting it wrong – but YOU! Now there's a thought!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)  

PS For AA Minority Report 2013 click here