AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 28 June 2014

Conference questions (2014) – almost! (contd)

32. More and more AA groups are being denied their basic right of membership in local Intergroups. This action also denies them participation in Region and Conference. Can Conference please clarify this situation and give advice so that minorities in AA are no longer banished from our Service/Conference structure and that their conscience is heard?


When these groups have asked the assistance of Conference in the past they have been told “it’s a local issue” and up to the “conscience of those concerned”. When the Conscience of those concerned deal with it, by forming new local Intergroups GSO & GSB refuse to recognize them, thus making it a National issue.

Conference 2012, Committee 5, Question 2 says that by being part of the group conscience and valuing the importance of love, tolerance and the right to participate, we can best strengthen the unity of the Fellowship.

Concept 1 states ‘The final responsibility and the ultimate authority for AA world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship’. Clearly not being carried under these circumstances.

Concept 4 states ‘Throughout our Conference structure, we ought to maintain at all responsible levels a traditional “Right of Participation,” taking care that each classification or group of our world servants shall be allowed a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge.’ There is no vote for a member whose home group is denied participation by his Intergroup. What if a group were to say to a member, you are not allowed to vote because you disagree with us.

Terms of Reference No. 6/7 Important topic to the Fellowship as a whole but these issues must be handled and dealt with at a local level”

Comment: This question, of course, refers essentially to the Bournemouth Road to Recovery group who've tried to join pretty well every intergroup in the area, and have been comprehensively knocked back on each occasion. They then attempted to form their own intergroup – Wessex – whose creation, it would seem from the above, didn't meet with universal approbation. As usual the cult groups and their members love to play the 'victim' when they can't get their own way. It's always everyone else's fault if other people won't play ball. “It's not fair”, they cry when AA members, groups and intergroups refuse to put up with their brand of manipulation and outright bullying. But just try and join one of their groups as a member and you'll be expected to jump through all sorts of hoops before you 'make the grade'. You'll have to get a sponsor (from either within the group or one approved by the hierarchy. In some instances you'll even be assigned one – so not much choice there either!). Naturally you'll be expected to do “exactly what your sponsor says” (you won't find any such requirement in any AA literature – especially not in the AA conference approved pamphlet Questions and Answers on Sponsorship!). Failure to comply will lead to sanctions ranging from general disapproval (shunning etc) to summary execution (nah! Just kidding!) …. to 'sacking' with effective expulsion from the group. Attendance at your home group meetings will, of course, be mandatory. Again failure to comply will lead to a serious inventory being taken of you by your new 'Higher Power' the all-powerful, all-knowing SPONSOR. Additionally you will be expected to hit specified 'recruitment targets', ie. ring two newcomers each day (whether they want to be contacted or not) together with an assortment of other 'rules' and 'regulations' (oops sorry - 'suggestions') which will have to be obeyed to the letter. Failure will not be tolerated. Any backsliding will be met with the stern reminder that you had agreed to “go to any lengths”, these being determined by … guess who? Yep! You got it! Your SPONSOR! So is it any wonder that the AA groups in the area won't have anything to do with this bunch of power driven crazies. Would you? We think not!

See here for a full list of other questions that didn't quite get through the 'filter'


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

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