AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 29 June 2014

Questions and Answers on Sponsorship (contd)


Should a sponsor lend money to a newcomer?

This is, of course, a matter of individual judgement and decision. Involved in it is the basic fact that A.A. has a single purpose: to help alcoholics with their drinking problem. A.A. is not a philanthropic or job-finding society.

Money, or the lack of it, has never been a key factor in an individual’s ability to get sober in A.A.

The sponsor who lends money to a newcomer does so at risk and may even be slowing down the new person’s progress toward sobriety. The newcomer who turns to A.A. for money, clothes, or assurance of employment is coming to the wrong place for the wrong thing. A.A. has something far more important to offer: sobriety.

Professional agencies can furnish other kinds of help if any are needed. But many alcoholics when sober can solve their own domestic, vocational, or legal problems.”

Comment: Are you nuts! And who's got any money to lend!! Thanks to the unswerving dedication of bankers everywhere to the principle of 'who can bury their snouts into the profits deepest' followed by the consequent ruination of economies worldwide the answer to the question: “Buddy can you spare me a dime?” can generally be answered with a resounding 'no'! On the other hand alcoholics can equally well be said to be extremely generous when it comes to providing lifts to meetings, a chat in a cafe over a cup of tea and lending an empathetic ear. As for the statement “many alcoholics when sober can solve their own domestic, vocational or legal problems” we would substitute the words “all alcoholics can solve...”. They have to. It's no one else's responsibility”

But remember: a sponsor is NOT ESSENTIAL to recovery. And NO sponsorship is better by far than BAD sponsorship!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(to be continued)

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