AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 24 July 2014

Back to Basics=Wally P= terminal boredom!

Every now and then we get an email from a Back to Basic's apologist giving us yet another history lesson (which version?) about AA, and the antecedents of the aforementioned Wally's unique take on the recovery programme. Again we are informed how badly AA is faring and how mislead we all are. Once again the same old entirely inaccurate quotes about AA recovery rates are rolled out (this happens with such mind-numbing regularity that we don't even bother to cite the corrective passage in the Big Book in response to these idiots anymore). According to this latest missive it's all Bill Wilson's fault! Apparently (or so our recovery 'expert' informs us) the rot set in with the publication of the “12 Steps and 12 Traditions” (authored by the infamous Bill Wilson, destroyer of AA). Thereafter we all became hell-bent (or so we're told) on stopping newcomers from doing the steps (or at least delaying them) instead of belting them through in double-fast time. The fact that they'll probably be as clueless at the end of the process as they were at the beginning is neither here nor there. So our SUGGESTION to all you recovery 'gurus' out there (and you do seem to be multiplying) is invest some of your not-so-hard-earned money from the sales of your dubious literature and buy some specs! That way you might overcome your congenital eye defects, which can be the only possible explanation for your inability to grasp some really REALLY 'basic' facts. Or perhaps you fall into that category of being “constitutionally incapable”. Or then again maybe you're just plain thick! Who can say!

For an analysis of the Back to Basics/Primary Purpose scam see: An Enquiry into Primary Purpose and Back to Basics AA Groups 

For an exhaustive, properly researched and ACCURATE presentation on AA recovery rates see: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Recovery Outcome Rates - Contemporary Myth and Misinterpretation 


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Coming soon! (drum roll followed by wild applause). Our very own slightly irreverent and even occasionally critical commentary of the Big Book (in serialised form)! Everything will be given the 'once-over' (unlike, for example, Joe and Charlie who just leave out anything they don't agree with). We will quite naturally be charging you vast sums of money for the privilege of being on the receiving end of our penetrative insights – NOT! We will also be producing a wide selection of very expensive supporting literature (work sheets, flashy brochures, commentaries on our commentaries, CDs, DVDs, mpegs, jpegs, clothing pegs etc) together with all manner of novelty toys, badges, jewellery, deodorants, baseball caps and anything else we can think of to part you from your cash – NOT! Members of the team will also be available personally to take anyone with enough 'readies' through the recovery programme – NOT! Alternatively speakers can be provided for events GRATIS (subject to the usual provisions: first class food and accommodation, first class travel, first class groupies etc). Send email for details on dressing room requirements!! These alone will be spectacularly exorbitant! - NOT!

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