AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 12 February 2010

News from Eastbourne and Sheppey

"Hello. My name's ....I was in the fellowship since last January at the Eastbourne “There is a solution” AA group. I found that certain practices were being used and having looked at your site - it is a very big issue. I'm glad to say that this meeting has now moved ..... I would be happy to go into what has gone on within this group...

I feel very strongly about this situation within AA. I've seen quite a few people join the "There is a solution" meeting only to realise it seems to be a religious Christian only meeting. I myself have been intimidated to the point I don't go to real AA meetings. I stood up to the main GSR who takes the group as a whole to church - her choice of church, to meetings that they sit and try to take over - the sick meetings as they call them. I've been told by a person who was sacked twice from the group as being evil! - trying to stop their meetings .... this made me feel like leaving .....I've been told by them when I was part off to not go alone to SICK meetings, stop my medication prescribed by my GP, to keep ringing newcomers everyday, put pressure on them to stay in the group. You are instructed to read Joe Mq [circuit speaker] 12 steps and other non AA material. Also forced to a talk given by American speaker in Croydon in the summer at a cost of £15 per ticket. A friend was forced to kneel and pray to god or leave group! A person who was forced to go to church, baptised even though does not believe in god and then sacked when pressure was too much they drank again. The list goes on. I hope that this in some way helps you. Many thanks for your time"

We've also been informed by another AA member that a group has set up in Sheppey (West Kent) going under the title of Road to Recovery. We've no confirmation yet whether this group forms part of the cult network which uses the AA name as a cover for its activities - but the group title is rather suggestive - we'd be happy to receive any further information which either refutes or confirms that connection


The Fellas
(as usual our thanks to the contributors)

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