AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 9 April 2010


An interesting article (click here to download pdf file) on the role played by AA (US) within sentencing policy (in relation to drink related offences), and whether 'referral' to AA by the judiciary constitutes a breach of that individual's constitutionally guaranteed right to religious freedom (which itself raises the question as to whether AA constitutes a "religious" organisation).

Moreover the article points to the impact of AA (and similar 12 Step based support groups) on the religious culture (US). There is some indication (certainly in the UK, and this from direct observation) that the Primary Purpose movement (and other cult groups) contain elements of an overt religiosity (with a clear bias towards the Judaeo-Christian traditions), not only evolving its own "brand" (and forms) but in some instances displaying an evident hostility to other religious (and more traditional) systems, again in clear breach of AA Traditions. According to Tradition 10 - "No AA group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate AA, express any opinion on outside controversial issues - particular those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views whatever."

(Certainly, and in a somewhat tangential connection to the above, it is our view that AA's participation in the "chit" system both here in the UK, and in the US, goes way beyond "cooperation" with an outside agency, and shifts the Fellowship into an administrative role thereby providing the mechanisms by which these agencies can monitor their referalls' attendance at AA meetings; the “chit” system has been devised solely to implement this process. On the part of AA itself there is no requirement for registration either as a member or for attendance at meetings. The "chit" system serves a purely external function, and moreover has the effect of creating a two class membership system, one "voluntary", the other "compulsory", and we believe this to be, in the latter case, to the detriment of the Fellowship, and a clear breach of our Traditions).

Enjoy the read!

The Fellas