AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Ealing again!

Well it would seem that Tim W has been elected (?) to the job of responding to South Middlesex IG's letter of complaint (see below: 31/07/11 “CULT THUG BULLIES DISABLED PENSIONER OUT OF EALING MEETING” for another of Tim W's initiatives!). Presumably the Happy One has been sent to convalesce somewhere else (or indeed anywhere else!) whilst a more “reasoned” defence for the cult groups' conduct is advanced. It all looks very impressive. The traditions are cited, bits of AA literature are mentioned, group autonomy is alluded to (but of course leaving out that inconvenient second part). All very reasonable … and all less than candid. And so …....

4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.

and of course Tradition 3 (which is not mentioned at all in this disingenuous missive):

3. Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence we may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought A.A. membership ever depend upon money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an A.A. group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.

(our emphases)

The cult groups in Ealing were set up with absolutely no consultation with AA groups or intergroup, and with no regard whatsoever as to their impact on legitimate AA meetings. These groups produce (and promote) their own literature (in probable breach of AAWS copyright) and moreover circulate a version of the Where to Find which contains adverts for the cult website referred to in this “spokesman's” letter. We have in fact had ample opportunity to study this website and contrary to the assertions made in Tim W's response there is much in there which is NOT derived from the Big Book and other AA literature (ie. the section: Alcohol in Solid Form). Here a number of assertions are made about the employment of prescribed medication (specifically anti-depressants) in relation to mis-diagnosis (or otherwise) of a putative underlying condition (ie. alcoholism). None of these statements is made by anyone with any professional qualification, and in fact represent purely the opinions of the author. Apart from the questionable views expressed (and the misquotes from AA literature) what is of greater interest is the discrepancy between what is evident and what is “inferred”. This latter term is employed with great frequency in the course of Tim W's rebuttal. Naturally one might infer anything about anything – in its extreme form this might be termed “subjectivism” or even “solipsism” - or to put it another way – everything is open to interpretation. So for example some people might take the term “suggested” to mean:

1. To offer for consideration or action; propose.
2. To bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke.
3. To make evident indirectly; intimate or imply.
4. To serve as or provide a motive for.

In the cult circles however the word assumes an entirely different guise - it is “inferred” as an imperative, and worse still something that may be imposed by one person upon another. Here we remind you of that central imperative about which all cult sponsorship revolves:


It is suggested that you phone daily and do exactly what your sponsor tells you. If you don't have a sponsor, look upon every meeting you go to as a chance to find one.

NB If anything is unclear, ask your sponsor.”

(our emphasis).

(an excerpt from another cult website linked to the one cited above)

So although the position adopted by the cult groups is presented by Tim W as being quite reasonable and entirely in accord with the Traditions etc it is in fact far removed. This may be exemplified by contrasting what is currently included under the present 'redaction' of the aforementioned website with its previous version. This throws some light on the covert, intrusive and indeed voyeuristic (some might say perverted) tendencies of its authors.

Under the section Step Four “Sexual Conduct” the original version contained the following statement:

“In the inventory we should be prepared to include sex with: men, women, children, animals..... . and bottles”

This has now been edited out.

Now it might be “inferred” from the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous that such matters should be included in the Step Four inventory. However we would assert that this is an inference that may not be drawn and on two fairly obvious grounds: legal and therapeutic. Two of the sex acts referred to would fall under criminal jurisdiction and if revealed to a “sponsor” would place both individuals at risk of prosecution; the “sponsee” for the criminal act itself, and the “sponsor” as an accessory should they fail to report the incident(s). These communications are not legally “privileged”. Therapeutically it does not require an enormous leap of the imagination to consider the impact that such revelations might have on both parties especially where the “sponsor” may not be trained to handle such disclosures.

We include this example here as indicative of the cult's underlying agenda in Great Britain and elsewhere (quite apart from their deliberate – and overt - manipulation of the Traditions to promote their objectives). The façade that is presented by Tim W et al is precisely that – a show of unity but one without any substance. The letter may sign off with the traditional “Yours in fellowship” but actions do in fact speak so much more eloquently than words......


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(our thanks to our local reporter)