AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Thursday 6 October 2011

Dissent in Derby – what exactly is going on in this intergroup?

We have received recent contacts from members within this intergroup including the following:

“Whilst we may not agree with you in every detail of your approach, we are happy to offer you information and assistance to try to support the achievement of our common goal, an AA of genuinely autonomous and effective meetings.

As well as their base in Long Eaton, the Derby Wednesday and Sunday "Friends Meeting House" meetings were taken over by the cultists around a year ago, and they also now run a number of "informal meetings" in Derby and Long Eaton. These "informal meetings" do not appear on the GSO list, and are run by the cult as explicitly and exclusively Christian affairs with no pretence of following AA tradition.

You can see confirmation of what I am telling you on the intergroup website here. Look at the meeting minutes for confirmation of their promotion of "informal meetings" [apparently this entry has now been removed from the intergroup website], their version of step 4 worksheets, and the use of a 1940's version of "questions and answers on sponsorship".

Bill is the name of their local leader. He is based in Long Eaton. His firmest follower is Geraldine, who has infiltrated the local Derbyshire intergroup, along with a number of other cultists including her soon to be ex-husband Jez.

The local intergroups under the influence of the cult removed every member of our groups [Derby City centre] from the 12-step list, and responders rota a couple of weeks ago.



The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(our usual thanks to this contributor)