AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Wednesday 21 August 2019

A truly DEMOCRATIC intergroup

We quote:

“Hi Fellas, Good to see you back in action again! Don't know if my Intergroup's experience could be of help to any other out there who maybe suffering from an infestation of 'roads-to-untreated-alcoholism', or any other of the Oxford Group's manifestations.

When our IG was set up a few years ago we learnt from our neighbours who, over many years suffered from a cyclical takeover by one particular Group. They managed this by filling every officer position in the IG, so when we set up our IG we learnt from them (yes ANYTHING is possible in AA) and made our structure that ONLY GSRs had a vote thus precluding any one Group taking over the whole IG. The result has been a very friendly workable IG”

Comment: AA seems to be suffering from inflation - inflation in the number of 'officers' taking up positions in intergroups. The latter used to be able to function with maybe half a dozen... but they're multiplying – and each one has a vote. Moreover votes cast by IG officers (who vote only according to their own individual conscience) have equal weight to those cast by GSRs (who vote according to the conscience of their groups – which may number dozens of members). This is an inequity which should no longer be allowed to continue.

In our view the IG above has shown the way forward. End voting rights for IG officers. The latter should be regarded as a 'civil service' whose sole function is to implement the decisions made by the GSRs who in turn receive their INSTRUCTIONS from their group members. This is how AA is SUPPOSED to function. The AA groups have PRIMACY in the AA service structure. See below.

Thanks to our correspondent

The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

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