AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Wednesday 4 September 2013

Conference Questions (2013) forum discussion (contd)

Committee No. 2 

Question 2: 

Would the Fellowship discuss, share experience and make recommendations on the question of:

 What can AA do to better carry the message to young alcoholics both inside and outside of the Fellowship?

More specifically, would Conference consider, discuss and make recommendations on the following:

a. What can be done to make AA more of an attractive place to young people inside of AA?
b. What can be done to make AA more of an attractive place to young people outside of AA?
c. Consider updating the “Too Young?” poster with input from younger members?
d. Could young people be represented in the AA structure?


In Continental Europe Region there is a position of Young People contact who has a Liaison Officer role with full voting rights.


Too young poster AAGB
Too young poster AA US
Too Young pamphlet

[See also: TheTraditions, Preamble and Concepts]


If it is explained to young people that an AA sponsor who has been dry for 5,10,20 or 30 years can still be as sick as a parrot and if AA meetings closed with the following readings from AA literature and the Monty Python song “Always look on the Bright Side of Life” then it might be a step in the right direction.

“He is asked to believe in a power greater than himself, or at least to keep an open mind on that subject while he goes on with the rest of the program. Any concept of the Higher Power is acceptable. A skeptic or agnostic may choose to think of his Inner Self, the miracle of growth, a tree, man’s wonderment at the physical universe, the structure of an atom, or mere mathematical infinity. Whatever form is visualized, the neophyte is taught that he must rely on it and, in his own way, to pray to the power for strength. He next makes a sort of moral inventory of himself with the private aid of another person. – one of his A.A. sponsors, a priest, a minister, a psychiatrist, or anyone else he fancies.”    (“The Jack Alexander Article about AA” pp19-20) 

“In order to carry the principle of inclusiveness and tolerance still further, we make no religious requirement of anyone. All people having an alcohol problem who wish to get rid of it and make a happy adjustment the circumstances of their lives, become A.A. members by simply associating with us. Nothing but sincerity is asked of anyone. In this atmosphere the orthodox, unorthodox, and the unbeliever mix happily and usefully together.” (Pass It On page 173)

“Always look on the Bright side of life” can be searched on the internet using the terms: Monty Python always look on the bright side of life


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

See also AA Minority Report 2013