AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Sunday 15 September 2013

Cult information


Due to some helpful feedback from members we will be building up a data base on research organisations and literature dealing with cults and their impact. Continuing with:

Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective, Shaw D, Cultic Studies Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2003, p. 101


Using his ten year experience in Siddha Yoga under the leadership of Gurumayi, the author presents psychoanalytic concept-ualizations of narcissism in an effort to develop a way of understanding cult leaders and their followers, and especially of traumatic abuse in cults from the follower's perspective. A psychoanalytically informed treatment approach for working with recovering cult followers is proposed, consisting of providing:
1) an understanding of the leader's extreme dependence on the follower's submission and psychological enslavement;
2) a clear, firm, and detailed understanding of the leader's abusiveness; and
3) an exploration of normative and/or traumatic developmental issues for the follower, as part of a process of making sense of and giving meaning to the follower's experience."

See also Cult Research in Links and downloads