AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Saturday 10 January 2015

Alcohol research – Pearson Centre for Alcohol and Addiction Research

The Pearson Centre for Alcoholism and Addiction Research was established in 2003 through the generosity of a multi-million dollar gift and is supported through the generosity of individual, corporate and public donors. It combines the latest biomedical research with new clinical treatment studies to fight the devastating, costly, and deadly disease of alcohol and drug addiction.

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of the spirit, behaviour and brain. Traditional treatment involves group therapy and other forms of counselling to empower the spirit and address destructive behaviours. However, the physiology of the brain is often ignored.

The Pearson Centre, located on The Scripps Research Institute campus in La Jolla, is complementing and reinforcing traditional treatments by focusing on the physiological changes in the brain that drive excessive drinking and drug use that creates vulnerability to relapse in early recovery. Researchers are studying the viability of using new compounds, designed at the institute and elsewhere, to modulate the neurological effects of alcohol and other substances of abuse, reduce excessive intake, and prevent relapse by normalizing the brain during an alcoholic's or addict's recovery. The prospects for enhancing traditional treatment of alcoholism, addiction and relapse through pharmaceuticals have never been more promising.

The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, is a world leader in the biomedical science of alcoholism, addiction, and the brain, and it provides a fertile environment for breakthroughs that will alleviate the suffering of addicted individuals and support their recovery. To-date researchers at the institute have:
  • Identified a large part of the neurocircuitry involved in the reinforcing action of alcohol and other substances of abuse.
  • Began to identify how this circuitry changes when a person transitions from social use to abuse and dependence.
  • Established several working laboratory models that mimic this transition for use in pre-clinical and clinical studies of the efficacy of potential therapeutics.
  • Developed the infrastructure to conduct clinical trials for developing ground breaking therapies for alcoholism and addiction”

The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS For AA Minority Report 2013 click here

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