AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Tuesday 30 April 2013

Attention seeking......

Every now and then we have the misfortune to be subjected to the attentions of a BIG BOOK EXPERT or as they're better known - a PRIMARY PURPOSE bore! Now for those of you not in the know you can check out some of the background on these fruitcakes here (and elsewhere on the blog - usually under the above tag). This particular individual seems particularly desperate to PROMOTE his branch of the cult based in Spain so we thought we'd finally put the guy out of his misery and give him his fifteen minutes of fame (?). He seems to have acquired a number of titles in the course of his mission to reform AA and save all us unfortunate heathens from the fate which awaits us if we fail to heed his and the other 'enlightened' ones' words: group secretary, intergroup secretary, chairman of the convention committee .. take your pick. Clearly an all-rounder who seems to have got the situation well UNDER CONTROL...... So keen indeed is he to publicise his little empire he absolutely 'insists' we include his phone number in our Cult Where to Find entry for his particular neck of the woods. We quote:

Also put my telephone number on the site so people who love the steps and want a spiritual experience can phone me and people who want to whinge in a self-centred way for 15 mins can be directed to a more suitable meeting and not waste their time and get upset with me. I occasionaly [sic] get tourist who want a moany [sic] meeting and I will direct all complaints to you if they are not happy”

Now doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart to know the recovery programme is in such good hands! What would we do without the likes of this chap “running the show” down on the Costa del Sol. How lucky we are to have such a good natured, generous, “Live and let live” type carrying the AA (?) message to everyone (whether they want it or not – and single handedly it would seem!) in sunny Espana..... NOT!

Finally he assures us that:

I spoke to some Primary Purpose people who came to our convnetion [sic] and your site is becoming a well known source of where to find a decent meeting as you probably know”

and to which end he requested we amend the details on our site … it would seem that we'd got one of the items wrong! Well of course we always appreciate it when someone of this fellow's calibre 'puts us right' and naturally we hastened to amend the error. Unfortunately – and we'd be the first to admit this - we have been known to be terribly careless when it comes to such questions (something we're not alone in it would appear!). Therefore although our Cult Where to Finds may be quite useful in identifying meetings we wouldn't advise people to rely on them too heavily. You never know .. some of the details might have gone a bit astray! We're only human after all! But then we've got people like Andrew (yes.. that's his name) to thank... for pointing out when and where we are so remiss!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)