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Saturday 27 April 2013

Big Book “Thumping”

Extract from a discussion in “Suggest a topic” (What's On Your Mind forum - Grapevine) 


 I never heard of any different ways of interpreting the Big Book (Except into foreign languages) until an operator of a treatment facility and his partner [the Joe and Charlie 'dog and pony show'?] began selling tapes telling what the Big Book really says. Using that as an example, everybody and his brother began writing 'Big Book Study Guides" which, I assume, are supposed to break the secret code hidden in the book.

When I was new nearly every speaker commented that at first he/she was going to rewrite the Big Book but found out that it was fine the way it is. Now anyone who wants to rewrite it does so, then travels around the country, all expenses paid, sharing their wisdom with the unenlightened.

Another thing we used to be told was to "read only the black parts." Now we tell ourselves we can read the white parts too, since they're more interesting.

I can imagine the uproar if a child came home from school and told his parents that his teacher said one and one are two, but it's perfectly all right to interpret it as three if they are so inclined.

When I was a Loner without meetings available a gent suggested I use my Big Book and a Higher Power. He said nothing about simply reading it, or studying it, or discussing it, just use it. That advice has worked for millions of us for many years. “

[our interpolation]

Comment: What a novel idea! “just use it”. It's a tool ... not a bible!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)