AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 11 October 2013

Conference Questions (2013) forum discussion (contd)

Question 2:

Would the Fellowship discuss, share experience and make recommendations whether, throughout AA's service structure, members of special interest groups are sufficiently represented?

[See also: The Traditions, Preamble and Concepts]


....... but I’m a bit unclear about what this question means, whether it is referring to members of the type of “dual purpose” groups mentioned in the pamphlet “Problems Other Than Alcohol” or whether it is referring to AA members who have special needs. Members of “dual purpose” groups who’s purpose it might be to misuse the AA service structure in order to propagate an interest in lending the AA name to matters other than AA’s sole purpose as defined in Tradition Five, or who’s purpose it might be to misuse the AA service structure in order to propagate the lending of the AA name, actual or implied, to outside enterprises as defined in Tradition Six/Six Long Form, such as altered 12 step programs, or sponsorship systems not published by AA, then these members should not be represented in the service structure at all. Concept IX states “Good service leaders, combined with sound and appropriate methods of choosing them, are at all levels indispensable for our future functioning and safety.” On some occasions it might be better to leave a service position vacant than to elect an unsuitable person.

The following literature might be helpful in establishing an answer to this question. “Problems Other Than Alcohol” (The Language of the Heart” pp 222-225; or “special services” (The “Language of the Heart” (pp 29, 88-89) “Minorities in AA” (Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers” pp 239-250) “Fatties Anonymous” (Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age p 241); “Incorporations: Their Use and Misuse” (The Language of the Heart pp 71-76), pages relating to “clubs” (index of “The Language of the Heart”), pages relating to “Institutions and AA” (index of “Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age.”) Traditions Five, Six; Traditions Five, Six (long form); “Tradition Five,” “Tradition Six” (The Language of the Heart pp 82-84), “AA Tradition How it Developed” Concepts IX and X11, warranties five and six. ” “


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)