AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 18 October 2013

Richmond Bridge/Surbiton Sunday …. ad nauseam!

The latest:

We have been assured by a representative of the Surbiton group that they have taken all necessary steps to deal with the questionable activities of one of the group's 'servants'. He is no longer with them having fallen on his sword (or perhaps he just tripped over his ego?) It turns out moreover that the cups and mugs were his in the first place so he was simply repossessing his own property!! Which begs the question of course ….... Anyway the group is back to normal functioning. As far as we can ascertain it has now reverted to being a bog standard AA group with absolutely no interference from our little pointed headed friends (ie. the cult). We have to assume however that David will continue his one man show at the Monday Richmond Bridge group until such time that they too finally wake up to the liability that he is - and ditch him – or risk ending up in the same parlous state as the Surbiton group.

One thing that has emerged from the various communications we have received concerning this débâcle is the assumption (one which we have come across many times before) that the information we are sent must come from newcomers who have an axe to grind. We really are at a loss to know why it is assumed only these people should fall prey to resentments. The evidence simply does not support this. Perhaps it's just easier blaming it on the new guy and represents yet another way of diverting attention away from the real issue. If someone's been the object of abuse we think it only human they might feel somewhat aggrieved. And if they should then voice that grievance why should the automatic response be that they're lying or in some way at fault. Taking one's inventory does not exclude recognising the fact that sometimes OTHER people really are at fault. For example are we seriously to believe that an adult who was abused as a child should take all the blame! Or even any of it! We think not. And yet we've read of instances where AA members have been in precisely that situation and then been told by their 'sponsors' they should look for the part they played in it! Seriously! It beggars belief!

Finally the moral of the story – yeah we're going to tell you …. you asked for it! Service positions are not a right nor are they an obligation. An individual may offer their services – or not. The group then decides yay or nay. If they're not up to the job the group decides whether they continue or otherwise. The job description is outlined in the group handbook. Every group should have one of these. If not they can be read online. A group secretary should (minimally) be well acquainted with the traditions. It takes about ten minutes to read them and a life time to understand even some of their implications. But at least make a start! One of the best ways to get to grip with the traditions is not to go to yet another bloody workshop where you can listen to someone spout off about them. Just get acquainted with the basic ideas and then observe the groups where they are not being followed or, as is frequently the case with the cult groups, being twisted virtually beyond all recognition. There's no shortage of opportunities believe us! In fact we'd go so far as to say we've yet to come across a single AA group that actually does abide by the traditions in full. But check it out for yourself. Don't take our word for it! Absolutely not!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Thanks to our various correspondents – newcomers and otherwise!