Yep! It's
official! And straight off the AA Great Britain website! Well
actually only according to one of our 'advertisers' on the conference question forum so it doesn't really count......
particular insight is offered by one going by the monicker of the
“Red Baron” (are you kidding! What kind of delusional fantasy is
going on there!) who asserts that we may be considered such due to
our “almost fanatical adherence to dogma”. Ah well! That's not so
bad... we're only “almost” fanatical! Maybe the “Red Baron”
should try reading the site (that is in between flying all those
killer missions). He might pick up on that fact that we're about the
EXACT opposite... maybe even learn something! Nah! Probably not. No
time to lose – there's yet another dogfight in the offing! Still
it looks like he's finally met his match as he gives up the struggle
only to limp away from battle with nothing but a whimper and a
muttered imprecation
The Fellas
(Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous
…. and Biggles