AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

Click here

Monday, 28 April 2014

It's that time of the year again!

Yes. The aacultwatch team is off on one of its periodic 'bonding' sessions (although why we should want to boost our general sense of 'fellowshipyness' any further we've absolutely no idea!). Last year, as you may recall, we thought we'd top up our 'spiritual batteries' with a bit of paint balling! 'Shooting' each other certainly greatly enhanced our sense of community and lent further impetus to our resolution (if that were ever needed!) to overcome the pointed headed ones! This year we thought we'd go one step further (No. Not actually shoot each other!). Instead of covering each other in paint we're off for a bit of 'covert operations' training. This time we'll be mostly dressing up in camouflage gear (OK. So there'll still be a bit of paint involved!) with branches sticking out of the tops of our heads and assorted foliage draped about our bodies. We reckon they'll never see us coming when we turn up at the Atlantic Group! Cunning eh!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous ….. and moving as quietly as a soft breeze through the night!)

PS Back on Thursday

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Questions and Answers on Sponsorship (contd)

The AA (General Service conference approved) booklet: Questions and Answers on Sponsorship 


For the person seeking a sponsor 

How does sponsorship differ from Twelfth Step calls? 

A Twelfth Step call — visiting an alcoholic who has asked for help and talking about the A.A. Program with him or her — may become the beginning of sponsorship, but by itself it is not necessarily sponsorship.

Sponsorship, with its continuing interest in another alcoholic, often develops when the prospect is willing to be helped, admits having a drinking problem, and decides to seek sobriety as a solution.

Sponsorship is Twelfth Step work, but it is also continuing responsibility for helping a newcomer adjust to a way of life without alcohol. 

How does sponsorship help the newcomer? 

It assures the newcomer that there is at least one person who understands the situation fully and cares — one person to turn to without embarrassment when doubts, questions, or problems linked to alcoholism arise. Sponsorship gives the newcomer an understanding, sympathetic friend when one is needed most. Sponsorship also provides the bridge enabling the new person to meet other alcoholics — in a home group and in other groups visited. 

How should a sponsor be chosen? 

The process of matching newcomer and sponsor is as informal as everything else in A.A. Often, the new person simply approaches a more experienced member who seems compatible, and asks that member to be a sponsor. Most A.A.s are happy and grateful to receive such a request.

An old A.A. saying suggests, “Stick with the winners.” It’s only reasonable to seek a sharing of experience with a member who seems to be using the A.A. program successfully in everyday life. There are no specific rules, but a good sponsor probably should be a year or more away from the last drink — and should seem to be enjoying sobriety.”

(our emphases – in bold print)

Comment: A number of points may be made here. It is clear from the above that the initiative should be taken by the newcomer when it comes to choosing a sponsor (or not as the case may be) ie. it is the newcomer who is “willing to be helped”, and it is he or she who makes the first approach. There is absolutely no suggestion here that they should be assigned a sponsor (temporary or otherwise, and certainly not without their consent). Moreover the tone of the relationship is intended to be friendly, sympathetic and certainly not exclusive. Again no mention here of an authoritarian, dictatorial,directive style of sponsorship. No 'tough love' (ie. bullying) is needed, no sanctions applied, no “suggestions” to be obeyed.

Moreover the function of the sponsor may include ensuring that the newcomer makes contact with other members in other groups to broaden as far as possible their access to a wider pool of experience. This advice, of course, runs quite contrary to the cult style of sponsorship which seeks to control newcomers by ensuring they have as little interaction as possible with non-cult groups and members.

When it comes to the scope of the sponsor/newcomer interaction this appears to be restricted to matters relating to “alcoholism” (but see here). In the hands of cult members this has been widened to include almost every aspect of a newcomer's life including relationships (sexual and otherwise), finance, employment, health issues (including psychiatric) and so on. It used to be said in AA - if you break your leg don't go to a meeting. Go to A and E! Similarly if you need informed advice on any of the above consult someone who demonstrates some professional competence (preferably qualified) in that area. Your sponsor is NOT the font of all knowledge and wisdom (even if he or she may think so!)

Finally the expression “seem to be” (repeated a number of times above) covers a multitude of sins. Simply because someone claims they've “never had a bad day in AA” or act in an upbeat fashion in meetings (rictus smile fixed upon face at all times) or repeat the mantra “misery is optional” at every opportunity doesn't mean they're telling the truth. In fact the more they assert their near constant state of bliss the more you've got to wonder why. Who are they trying to impress? You? Themselves? Remember the sayings: All that glitters is not gold …. and … Empty vessels make the most noise!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

(to be continued)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Stuff! (contd)

For that extra bit of anonymity we introduce the …....

Anonymity Online
Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis."

(see also Free Stuff in our Links and Downloads section)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous .... and a good bargain!)

Alcohol research

Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholism, Counselling, and Social Work Treatment, King B L, Bissell LeC, and O'Brien P, Health and Social Work, Vol. 4(4), 181-198, 1979

The authors suggest that the misunderstanding by many social workers of the particular values of Alcoholics Anonymous and the skills of alcoholism counselors can involve alcoholic patients themselves in the stress of reconciling diflerent approaches to treatment. They call upon all who treat alcoholics to build mutual trust and cooperation on two assumptions basic to all forms of treatment - that alcoholism is a disease and abstinence is essential to recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a powerful social movement that embodies certain principles and assumptions about recovery from alcoholism. Although social workers and other professionals often make use of AA as an adjunct to treatment, they do not always incorporate its principles into their work with patients or take the trouble to learn the differences and similarities in the AA and professional approaches. This sometimes forces the patient to cope with stresses of reconciling two basically different helping agents, neither of whom is fully aware of this conflict. Nevertheless, social workers who understand what recovery from the disease of alcoholism entails can learn not only to counsel newly sober alcoholics or those attempting to become sober, but also to work smoothly with AA. They can also use the knowledge and skills of social work to enhance and broaden the recovery effort in important ways.

This article examines the role of alcoholism counselors in treating alcoholics and discusses the value of AA in promoting recovery from alcoholism. It then contrasts both approaches with social work treatment. It analyzes as well what elements of traditional social work interventions can become liabilities in treating the alcoholic patient. The article's purpose is to enable social workers, alcoholism counselors, and members of Alcoholics Anonymous to recognize each other's strengths and what all forms of treatment share and, out of this knowledge, to discover a ground for cooperation and mutual trust in the treatment of alcoholism.”

PS For AA Minority Report 2013 click here

PPS To use “comment” system simply click on the relevant tab below this article and sign in. All comments go through a moderation stage

Friday, 25 April 2014

Stuff! (contd)

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. (more...)”

(see also Free Stuff in our Links and Downloads section)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous …. and a good bargain!)

Oooh how we love MONEY!!!

Another 'also ran' in the conference question season:

19. Would conference consider selling literature at cost to bring it into line with tradition seven, nine and concept seven.


Tradition seven states that every AA group ought to be fully self supporting and this principle applies to all levels of the service structure. People and agencies outside the fellowship are buying our literature and resources meaning that GSO is partially funded by outside agencies. To remove this outside funding issue literature and resources could be sold at cost. Recent years financial reports suggest that with minimal restructuring this is

Why does this matter? Accountability. In concept seven Bill refers to the ‘power of the purse’. This works two ways. Firstly we confer that power to the conference structure through concept seven but it also gives the membership ultimate power to bring the conference structure to account should we/they get off track and act against the conscience of the fellowship or violate the traditions or concepts.

And finally, in any great extremity, it would rest upon the undoubted ability of the Delegates to deny the General Service Board the monies with which to operate—viz., the voluntary contributions of the A.A. groups themselves.’
A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts P29.

Having a GSO that is at least partially self‐‐‐funding reduces the accountability to those they serve (tradition nine). If we as a fellowship found a conference decision unacceptable we could stop sending money (the power of the purse (Concept 7)) which would force GSO into line. Having an even partially self funded GSO would mean that GSO could continue to operate in some form without the contributions of the membership.

Terms of Reference No. 6/7 Insufficient background regarding actual costs and revenues, also is the responsibility of the GSB”

Comment: See here. As you may have guessed we'd go one step further and say that ALL AA literature should be provided online FREE and hard copies should only be provided at cost (as proposed above). The questioner also makes some very valid points as to accountability. The final sanction AA groups may apply if they disapprove of conference decisions, the conduct of the General Service Board or the running of GSO is simply to withdraw their financial support by cutting off the flow of funds (an act sanctioned by our own Concepts). But a financially autonomous GSO (funded by illegitimately derived profits from literature sales – contrary to our own traditions) insulates itself from such action. In the meantime if your group doesn't like how it's money's being spent stop sending it up the line! Of course in order to do that you'll need to find out what's going on. This is where your treasurer comes in. The next time he or she starts off with the old 'begging bowl' routine ask him or her (politely) if there's enough money to keep the meeting going? If there is then you've gone a long way towards fulfilling your primary purpose. Next ask the treasurer where the extra money's going and what it's going to be spent on (this applies especially in 'gratitude week' where the level of 'emotional blackmail' reaches its absolute zenith!). If they don't know ask them (again politely) to find out and report back. The group can then decide if they want to send their excess funds to intergroup etc. It should be emphasised here that no group is under any obligation to send money up the line (or should we say 'down' the line!) Remember – these are all VOLUNTARY contributions. There are no dues or fees for AA membership a principle which can be extended to a group's participation in the service structure (we've even heard in the past proposals to the effect that if a group does not make a financial contribution to the service structure they should be excluded from it. That's tantamount to making such participation contingent on payment of a fee! We don't think so!). So if the group doesn't want to send surplus funds to intergroup it can perhaps consider paying a more realistic rent to its landlords where the current rent falls below market rates. Accepting a subsidy from the latter constitutes accepting funds from an outside source (again contrary to our traditions). We're supposed to be 'self-supporting' and not reliant on the charity of others! Or if this is not the case then maybe a more generous allowance of Jaffa cakes should be considered!

See here for a full list of other questions that didn't quite get through the 'filter'


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Stuff! (contd)

Fed up with Windows 8... Feel dumped by them coz you've still not upgraded from XP! Don't want to pay for yet for another 'whizz-bang!' operating system!

Meet Ubuntu

Fast, free and incredibly easy to use, the Ubuntu operating system powers millions of desktop PCs, laptops and servers around the world.”

See here for more information

(see also Free Stuff in our Links and Downloads section)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous …. and a good bargain!)

Traditions! What Traditions?

Extract from the aacultwatch forum (old):
I remember during my involvement with the Vision for You cult in the late 1990's there were many splits and breakaways, usually over the most trifling and trivial of matters.

Outside the cult fold the Vision group earned itself the nickname "Division for You" ! The Vision itself was a breakaway from Joys. No doubt there have been subsequent splits and factions. It's the tedious nature of the Beast !

These cult groups break the Traditions in so many respects it is difficult to know where to start. Of course, they are always personality centered, with a "Leader" - a chief sponsor who fancies himself as a guru. The real requirement for membership of these groups is not a desire to stop drinking (as set out in the AA Traditions) but a desire to agree with and be obedient to this chief know-it-all sponsor in every respect. This is how these groups pervert the message of AA.

We now have a situation where some cult meetings are no longer referring to AA conference approved literature at all, but to something some headcase sponsor-guru has made up, as in Ealing right now, where an "abridged" version of the Big Book called the "Yellow Book of Big Book Quotes" is being used. This 28 page booklet is minus many serious omissions from what the Big Book actually says, and may well be in breach of copyright as it uses quotes from later editions of the Big Book. One individual personality - "Happy Dennis" - cobbled this perverted opus together and, aside from some dogrel "poetry" composed by Dennis himself, the AA name is linked to and used to promote an outside enterprise - a non-AA website largely concocted by David "The Icon" C which purports to be Big Book recovery but is actually no more than a collection of his private and narrow-minded religion-based opinions of what is in the Big Book.

These groups really are shameless in their disregard for AA Traditions. And the culture of these groups is dismissive and contemptuous of the fellowship as a whole. I know because I used to be part of it - to my past shame, yes, - but, believe me, experience is the best teacher!”

The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS To use “comment” system simply click on the relevant tab below this article and sign in. All comments go through a moderation stage

PPS For new aacultwatch forum see here. Have your say!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


On our old site we had a section devoted to useful bits and pieces (interesting websites, downloads, “open source” software etc) we discovered on our ramblings around the good ole' world wide web. It's amazing the amount of stuff' that's floating around for free (much better than handing your hard earned cash over to some tax avoiding corporation ….. you know who you are!). So after much procrastination (our favourite defect of character) we've decided to reinstate this under the section entitled …. Guess? Go on!! You'll never get it! ….... Free Stuff! Yay!! (see also Free Stuff in our Links and Downloads section)

So to kick off:

Apache OpenOffice

Compatible with other major office suites, Apache OpenOffice is free to download, use, and distribute. Download it now, and get:

  • Writer a word processor you can use for anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book.
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  • Draw lets you produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations.
  • Base lets you manipulate databases seamlessly. Create and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports, all from within Apache OpenOffice.
  • Math lets you create mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing your formulas into the equation editor.


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous …. and a good bargain!)

Primary Purpose/Back to Basics

See here


A loosely connected international network of websites has created a “virtual” Primary Purpose intergroup, facilitating the global communication of an ideology and a cause which comes from literature and website sources outside of AA. This website network has enabled the formation of affiliated AA groups in at least eleven countries, by like minded AA members who share this ideology and cause. This cause appears to be the introduction of Oxford Group principles and methods, which were criticised by Bill W. as not being inclusive to all alcoholics; and to teach an interpretation of the AA programme, sourced from outside of the group conscience of AA.”


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Some reflections on the Primary Purpose movement

The similarities between the more cult-like versions of AA and the more extreme versions of evangelical Christianity in the US today are clear. They have the same attitudes toward the sacred book, literalists, proof-texting, and refusing to look outside the book. They both aim for a rigid perfectionism which is destructive psychologically but can be maintained for a long period. And their means of recruitment are similar, including seminars, the use of mass media, etc.

See this somewhat old but useful treatment of extreme evangelicalism. The "softer" versions described here, briefly, are more similar to "traditional" AA, namely the willingness to accept less than perfection, the believe that we will continue to have problems in life, the willingness to use outside therapy as an aid.


Today's post (April 5) on Primary Purpose brings to mind some thoughts on how the more cult-like versions of AA manage to shoehorn in pretty much everything into "directive", or "strong" or "Book Book" sponsorship.

It comes in a variety of ways. One is the statement which one hears from them over here in NYC that "I have only one problem today and that is alcoholism." So everything is alcoholism. If you are bipolar, or depressed, or have marital problems, etc. etc., that's all "alcoholism" really and you should just follow your sponsor's advice and read the Big Book and that should take care of it. If it doesn't, then you must be doing something wrong, not praying enough, not doing enough service, not taking correct 10th steps. In extreme forms this gets to advising the sponsee to give up physician-prescribed medications for bipolar disease, or in a weaker version, not pointing out that some outside therapy might just help with those childhood sexual abuse issues and the emotional problems which arise from them.

A more insidious tack, since it is less easily recognized, is using steps 4 thru 7 to get at the "exact nature of our wrongs" and remove our "character defects". Here the sponsor tries to "go deeper", to become an expert on a type of folk-psychology, which uses the suggestions about anger, resentment, the seven deadly sins (in the 12 and 12) to get at the "exact nature" of the sponsees problems. So anger issues arising out of childhood sexual abuse is brought up in the 5th step? Well, we need our sponsor's advice on how to handle that? What's your part? Holding on to it? Well, let go of that anger then, pray about it, etc. The sponsor becomes an "expert" as opposed to just someone listening to a step. (Even though the BB says we can do a 5th step with perfect strangers if they more or less know what we are doing, or with physicians, or with religious ministers. No experts there on the 5th step. But that was the early days, the cult-like members may respond, we've gotten better now.) People suffer needlessly because they are not directed to real experts who might help them. This relates to the primary purpose in two ways. One, the cult sponsor can argue that his dealing with all these psychological issues on the sponsee are part of the primary purpose, they are part of alcoholism and they are part of steps 4 thru 6. So everything is now the primary purpose! Secondly, they argue, it would be a violation of AA principles to point out that outside help may be necessary for some of these issues (including perhaps other programs for an over-eater, etc.) because they cannot advocate for outside entities, that that is a violation of the primary purpose, which is to talk about the recovery from alcoholism alone. (Which alcoholism has grown to include everything wrong with a person and which can be cured by prayer, 10th steps, service and carrying the message, i.e. "getting outside yourself" or deflating the ego.)

Now I am all for spirituality as a help in this, and moral inventories are good, and pride, ego, anger, resentments are problems. Prayer is important to me, and I try to use all that, and service to stay on the AA beam. (As long as service does not rise to taking up my whole life, but is balanced by outside activities and involvement in non-AA institutions or groups.) But I also think there are problems other than alcoholism faced by AA members and we do them a disservice by claiming to be able to cure them of everything. Expansion of the notions of "defects of character" and "exact nature of our wrongs" is a way of really making parts of AA a cult by closing people off from any outside influence.

Again, it is like those evangelical Christians, they hold only the Bible is useful for all problems, and do not seek professional help with necessary.”


I think my observations on the NYC AA scene might be useful to you. As they say "Coming soon to a screen near you" if not already there on the other side of the pond. I am convinced, and I think you guys alluded to this, that only the intervention of an outside power (and not HP) will change AA and by that I mean the government via a few lawsuits where individuals or the fellowship are sued for some sort of misuse and mistreatment.

I was told yesterday, I am not sure if this is true, that court-mandated attendance at AA (which was pretty common in the US) for DUI's and other problems has been declared unconstitutional by a higher court in New York State because it violates individuals' freedom of religion, that is, that it mandated attendance at a religious event, regardless of AA's distinction between religion and spirtuality. As far as that court was concerned mentioning God was enough to make it fall under actions prohibited by the First Amendment.”

Part of our response:

Hi …...

Some good points. As you say the term "alcoholism" can be expanded almost indefinitely to include virtually anything you want. With that expansion comes a concomitant extension in the area of expertise possessed by those who pronounce themselves (usually) experts on recovery. The intrusive nature of sponsorship exemplified by cult members means they move beyond merely 'sharing their experience, strength and hope' towards 'treating' other peoples' 'alcoholism' however they might define it. Therefore they can play the role of counsellor, psychiatrist, spiritual adviser, health care professional, marriage guidance counsellor, mentor and general know-it-all to their heart's content! And all without the bother of having to study the subject in depth, or even operate within professional boundaries! Or to put it the AA way: they can't quite 'quit playing God'.....”


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Our thanks to this contributor

Monday, 21 April 2014

GSO (GB) Leads Members Away from Traditions - Again!

See GSO website “Event Calendar” November 2014  

Costa Del Sol Intergroup “Back to Basics” Convention

Starring (take your pick!)

Clancy I

And by “popular demand”…

Bob D (Las Vegas) & Mary P (Los Angeles) – aka. Mary Poppins?

A Fun night out with local AA’s enjoying their recovery.” (According to Costa Del Sol Intergroup “Back to Basics” Convention) (Winter)

Comment: Why would gullible alcoholics spend their cash to travel to the Costa del Sol in a cold, wet November, when sane people go to Costa del Sol for hot beaches and tourist entertainment in summer? And why would GSO (GB) use its website to promote an event which abandons the principle of Tradition Twelve?

To find the answers to these intriguing questions see Clancy I’s comment in the Washington Post, 22/07/2007 “Midtown AA Group Leads Members Away from Traditions” by Marc Fisher 

Clancy I in “The Dark Legacy of a Rehab Cult” by J.D. Dickey, The Fix, 05/09/12

Clancy I in “AA Cults I Have Known” by Benjamin Aldo, The Fix, 07/25/13

The Pacific Group of Clancy I.” Orange Papers 

The Cult within AA – The Pacific Group” Shelley’s Blog 

Clancy Imislund , Managing Director, The Midnight Mission http://www.midnightmission.org/staff/clancy-imislund-2/ 

The Midnight Mission Leadership and Staff 

The Midnight Mission Financial Information 

Alcoholics and narcotics anonymous: A radical movement under threat”  Zafiridis P and Lainas S., 2012 (Department of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Addiction Research and Theory, 20( 2) 93-104 http://www.researchgate.net/publication/232038226_Alcoholics_and_narcotics_anonymous_A_radical_movement_under_threat (Free download)

The Cult That Spawned the Tough-Love Teen Industry” by Maia Szalavitz 

Aftermath – the Synanon Legacy" by Paul Morantz 

Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change” Richard J Ofshe Encyclopedia of Sociology Vol. 1 

Extreme Influence – Thought Reform, High Control Groups, Interrogation and Recovered Memory Psychotherapy” Richard J Ofshe, Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. 2,  2001 

"Whatever Happened to Twelve-Step Programs?" Kurtz E (1999)

The use of confrontation in addiction treatment: History, science and time for change.” White, W. & Miller, W., 2007,Counselor, 8(4), 12-30) http://www.williamwhitepapers.com/pr/2007ConfrontationinAddictionTreatment.pdf 

Trick or Treat? A Century of American Responses to Heroin Addiction’ White, W. L. (2002) 

Walk the Line” by Harry Shapiro and Carolyn Oubridrge, Druglink July/August 2012. 

Professional Service and Recovery Advocacy in England An Interview with Mark Gilman, MA Strategic Recovery Lead National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse” White, W. L. (2011) 

David Deitch, Ph.D. and George De Leon, Ph.D. on Recovery Management and the Future of the Therapeutic Community; William L. White, M.A; Counselor, 11(5), 38-49. 

Conversation with David Deitch,” Addiction, 1999, 94(6), 791-800 Wiley online Library

'The SYNANON Self Help Organization and its Contribution to the Understanding and Treatment of Addiction.' Zafiridis Ph. (2011), Therapeutic Communities, 32(2), 125 –141 

Retrospective Study of Similarities and Relations between the American Drug-Free and the European Therapeutic Communities for Children and Adults” Broekaert E, Vanderplasschen W., Temmerman I., Ottenberg D., Kaplan C., 2000, Journal of  Psychoactive Drugs 32(4) 407- 417 

Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties” Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph. D., and Richard Ofshe, Ph. D., 1990, Psychiatric Annals 20(4)  

Attacks on Peripheral Versus Central Elements of Self and the Impact of Thought Reforming Techniques” Richard Ofshe, Ph.D. and Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D. 1986, Cultic Studies Journal, 3(1)

New York Notes- Are You Looking At Me”? Maia Szalavitz, 2013, Druglink 28(4) 29

(You may have to join the dots and book a holiday)


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

Sunday, 20 April 2014

GSO (GB) Leads Members Away from Traditions

See GSO website “Event Calendar” April 2014

San Diego Spring Round Up” 

Location: Town & Country Resort Hotel, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Comedian and Ice Cream Social with Starbucks Coffee and Häagen-Dazs Ice cream - $30  
1/2 - Day Deep Sea Fishing Trip aboard the Chubasco II - $45 

Friday April 18, 2014
Golf Tournament, Riverwalk Golf Club  -   $75 

Saturday April 19, 2014
5K and 10K Fun Run/Walk- $20    

Saturday April 19, 2014,
Tennis Tournament, Peninsula Tennis Club - $15 

Saturday April 19, 2014
A.A. Breakfast/ Speaker - $36  

Al-Anon Luncheon / Speaker -$38 

A.A. Banquet / Speaker - $49 

San Diego Spring Roundup Radio Show!

Keith L of Midtown AA Group (note the promotional pop up of “Tough Love”)

San Diego Spring Roundup convention CDs for sale $7.00 each or- $60.00 for full set

San Diego Spring Roundup Commemorative Merchandise

T Shirts $13 Ladies V Neck $17 Sweatshirt $25 Embroidered polo $22 Souvenir Coffee cup $7 Souvenir Travel coffee mug $12

(Registration now closed)

Comment: Another promotional event that doesn’t say it is an AA event, but is clearly targeted at AA members. There’s loads of dosh to be made out of gullible alcoholics isn’t there? Just look at all those $$$$! We looked over the Roundup website to see what bona fide AA body is organising it and could only find a PO Box and a number of anonymous email addresses. While the gullible jump on a plane this Easter weekend to get fleeced and might even come back to the UK feeling grateful for it, what has happened to guardianship of traditions at GSO? Have they not heard of Traditions Five and Six?

Perhaps not?

For more information, email gso@alcoholics–anonymous.org.uk where helpful staff can advise you about the General Warranties of Conference. Here’s an extract from Warranty Five:

Privately, however, we can inform Traditions-violators that they are out of order. When they persist, we can follow up by using such other resources of persuasion as we may have, and these are often considerable…” (The AA Service Manual Combined with Twelve Concepts for World Service, p. 69) http://www.aa.org/pdf/products/en_bm-31.pdf

GSO staff can also advise you on how to submit a question/topic for Conference. If you’re stuck for ideas, here’s a suggestion for Conference 2015: “Should GSO (GB) use its website to indirectly promote Starbucks coffee, Häagen-Dazs ice cream and various other commercial enterprises. Yes or No?” Conference questions can be submitted directly to the Conference Co-ordinator at gso@alcoholics–anonymous.org.uk or via your local GSR, with appropriate background. (Hint, hint)

Now then, why would an alcoholic pay another $20 to have a fun run/walk, when the sane do it for free?

To find the answer to this intriguing question Google “Jogging in New York,” and then see the Washington Post’s “Midtown AA Group Leads Members Away from Traditions” http://blog.washingtonpost.com/rawfisher/2007/07/midtown_group_aa_group_leads_m.html and “The Dark Legacy of a Rehab Cult” http://www.thefix.com/content/aa-cults-synanon-legacy0009?page=all


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)