AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Friday 26 June 2015

Plymouth (cult) Intergroup (contd)

From a correspondent::

I thought you would be interested in the following numbers:

There are 29 meetings in Plymouth and I would say 27 groups.

There is only ever a maximum of 6 GSRs ever at Plymouth intergroup. One of which is the R2R [Road to Recovery cult group] GSR.

Therefore only 5/27 non R2R groups are ever represented at IG or 18.5%. This is because most real AA groups have actively chosen not to support this intergroup.

The obvious question to me is how can this gathering be referred to as Plymouth Intergroup when it does not represent Plymouth AA.”


The other issue of Plymouth intergroup being undemocratic and unrepresentative was also raised. A non R2R GSR asked if a sub committee could be formed to determine why this was. This was also voted down by R2R members.

I am sure that you get the picture. If only GSRs were allowed to vote then Plymouth IG would be democratic, but most of the other Intergroup officers are R2R clones who vote in unison. It is very unhealthy and gives R2R an unassailable majority.

This is why most Plymouth groups do not attend or financially support this intergroup. We are called apathetic, but that is not the case. Our particular group conscience actively decided we want nothing to do with IG.”

Comment: It seems to us there are a number of alternatives here:

  1. Rally the troops and send enough GSRs to Plymouth Intergroup to vote out the Road to Recovery cult group's officers and install AA members in their place;
  2. Set up an alternative Intergroup excluding all R2R members. Other intergroups are hardly going to accord the existing intergroup recognition if it only has one GSR;
  3. South West Region (and AA generally) puts into action Tradition Four and refuses to recognise the existing cult intergroup, and excludes its officers from any kind of participation in the service structure (much like de-listing a cult group). This would leave Plymouth without an effective intergroup ….. but then it doesn't have one anyway

The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

PS Jon F (remember him – An Incident at Conference) is 'acting out' true to form and continues to try and bully other members picking on women especially so we hear

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