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Friday 2 May 2014

The 'Ploys of Recovery'!

Extracts from the aacultwatch forum (old):
I had the misfortune to be sponsored by David B a number of  years ago.  I fell for the spiel being a somewhat impressionable newcomer.  He was certainly charming enough and could "talk the talk" no end. But show any sign of independent thought, even dare to express your own viewpoint, and you rapidly enough saw the other side of that particular coin.  For someone who preached sponsorship till your ears bled he was notoriously evasive when it came to the subject of his own sponsor.  Turns out he didn't have one which pretty much fits his profile - all image and not much else.  As for other meetings he was pretty open in his contempt for these and only encouraged people to go to them to "spread the word" or rather the  morally defective and emotionally enfeebled version of the programme which was his stock-in-trade.  The guy was even terrified to go to them himself fearful that if he got caught "off his turf" he might be presented with a few home truths by those who had a real recovery under their belts. The guy didn't even get beyond Step 3.  There was only one HP in David B's life and  that was .... guess who!  But it would be dishonest for me to say I learnt nothing from him.  On the contrary he was a teacher beyond parallel when it came to instructing people on how NOT to carry the AA message, how NOT to relate to other members, and he quite definitely didn't have anything that I wanted.  My recovery took place after I had parted company with him and the "Ploys of Recovery". When I heard that he had finally shuffled off apart from a large measure of indifference on my part I was just glad that no one else had to endure his tedious moralising.  Unfortunately what he has spawned is actually worse than the original hence my support for aacultwatch.”

I too remember David B sitting at the front of the meeting facing the audience in a “commanding” position. I attended the Vision for You group at Eaton Square around the same time as you did. The Vision was a breakaway from the Joys of Recovery. I cannot now remember the exact reason for the breakaway, but I think it had something to do with not responding when people introduce themselves and “keeping the serenity prayer as it was originally written” i.e. not adding “it works if you work it”. This was the so-called “original” format that David B wanted for his group/cult. There was no democracy at that group, the steering committee was controlled by David B through the pyramid sponsorship system. I saw many abuses and lies being told at that group. David B himself did not have a sponsor. He claimed that a man called Frank who lived in America was his sponsor. However after David died some enquiries were made, and the Frank in question turned out to be someone who was drinking and had no idea he was sponsoring anyone. I do know that leading members of the Vision group, including David “the Icon” C, knew about David B’s deception in this matter but chose not to rock the boat or betray their Great Leader. I witnessed David B sack a number of his sponsees who questioned David’s lack of a sponsor. Also, for someone who promoted service to the hilt, he was remarkably inactive himself. Around the time of his death he had not had any service commitment for nigh on 10 years. This from a man who told others they should have at least 2 service commitments. Nor did David ring any newcomers to my knowledge, in spite of demanding that others ring 2 per day! No, David was very much a “do as I say and not as I do” man. He made up arbitrary rules that contradicted AA approved literature. For example one of his edicts ordered that no one should do voluntary work outside AA. In other words if, for example, you wanted to do some voluntary work in a homeless shelter for a few nights per week, or something similar, this was forbidden by David B. Only service work for AA, (or more accurately for David’s cult) was allowed. This contradicts suggestions in the AA Book Living Sober which David clearly had not read. Another rule he made up was that his sponsees/group members were not allowed to work or train as social workers or counselors or religious clergy. Because what they might learn or practice “might contradict AA” (=might contradict David B). This of course goes against AA literature too, and is even described as being an anti-social attitude in the 12x12. It places AA in conflict with wider society. David wanted his sponsee-puppets to be as ignorant and superstitious as possible – much more easy to control that way.

The mantle of ignorance and superstition is now being ably carried on by David C “the Icon”, who now works in the USA as a Catholic iconographer and broadcaster. He is the chief author of 2 websites which have been mentioned in several places in the aacultwatch site and have brought AA into disrepute. The “Handbook to the Big Book” and associated website is one of his masterworks. This ignominious tome contains the instructions for step 4 where the sponsee has to write a detailed account of his sexual exploits including sex with children, animals, bottles etc and sexual positions and fantasies. It is a voyeurs charter. This sick evil garbage has already caused problems in AA in North London, and I recently discovered that the same document is being circulated in Ealing – most likely by Happy Dennis who is a sponsee of David C. Happy Dennis also promotes David C’s website on his “suggestions” card and the “book of Big Book Quotes”. All in breach of AA Traditions of course.

David C "Icon" is never short of an opinion or two, usually conceited, ill-informed, and based upon an extreme fundamentalist version of catholic dogma. His recent broadcasts in the USA for Catholic TV were a set of programs on art where, among other things, he attacks Picasso and rubbishes all modern art while craftily alluding to the “humility” of his own efforts and approach to art. On another show he visits a Museum and goes on to insult some Buddhist and Hindu statues there, saying that they are not fit to grace his home or garden, but assuring us that he will not take a hammer to them and smash them up (how good of him!) Apparently this is because the statues in question do not represent or follow “Catholic faith and truth”. It’s a pity his concern for “truth” didn’t extend to the matter of David B’s imaginary sponsor. David C ("Icon"/"Way of Beauty") is an arrogant elitist opinionated bore and a religious bigot. He scarcely disguises his contempt for eastern religions - "everyone today seems to be a Buddhist" he sneers sarcastically. His somewhat dour personality is as frigid and one-dimensional as the Icons he paints. In spite of his alleged “humility” he is a perverter and subverter of AA in the UK.

As for Happy Dennis, indeed he is a strange man. One does not have to be in his presence for long to realize that something is amiss in the sanity department. He has adopted the practice of “jumping for joy” every time he meets you or talks to you. From a distance it looks comical - like he has bad case of the hiccoughs - as he greets people attending his groups in Ealing. He is wont to ludicrous repetitions and exaggerations for example he will say “I am very very very very very very happy .. and I’m even happier than that” One is left wondering if he is more trying to convince himself of how “happy” he is, than his audience. He also sometimes speaks very rapidly – in the manner of someone suffering from a form a mania. As for his Book of Big Book Quotes, I’m not a legal expert, but I think there is a strong possibility that it breaches copyright as he has taken extensive quotes not just from the main text of the BB but also from the personal stories section and from later editions which are still, I believe, under copyright. When he shares he often misquotes the literature, so it wouldn’t surprise me if his next effort will be to re-write the entire Big Book itself. The man is a self-willed goon. But he has completely polarized and divided the fellowship in the Ealing area, undermining long established local meetings.

These sick narcissistic personalities are damaging and perverting AA in this country and I am glad that there is now a forum and website exposing them and defending AA. Knowledge is power!”

The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous)

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PPS For new aacultwatch forum see here. Have your say!

1 comment:

  1. Aha! David C is David Clayton, author of various books and eminent contributor to the New Liturgical Movement website, is he not?
